Krombopulos Michael

Unfortunately not. But I’m seeing some new names pop up, so I’m holding out hopes we can repopulate. Speaking of, Kinja CEO of Synergy (I think that’s the name) is a goddamn treasure.

I can’t tell you how delighted I was to see a comment from Reposted A7X at the top of the first article I saw after the Kinja transition. So glad he/she made it through this collective nightmare.

Ahahahaha. It’s like you frothing-at-the-mouth Trump sympathizers are going out of your way to be wrong at this point. Cry more.

Unsurprisingly, they’re crazy popular over in Michigan. Growing up there, it was the only pizza I’d ever have, whether it was at birthday parties, school events, or Friday nights when my mom didn’t feel like cooking. In fact, don’t think I’d tried another big pizza chain until I was in high school.

People keep saying Trumpie’s gonna be out of office by the end of the year, but then some shit like this happens, people publicly chide him, and life goes on. Is homeboy gonna have to kill someone on live tv for whoever the fuck’s job it is to pry an idiot president out of office to actually start turning the wheels?

I was hoping it wasn't going to be as bad as we all thought it would be, but alas, here we are. We're entering strange times my friend.

UPDATE: That gave me no satisfaction. Fuck Kinja.

UPDATE: That gave me no satisfaction. Fuck Kinja.




Am I dead?

Keeping this tab open 'til the end of time

Keeping this tab open 'til the end of time

Thnx for the responses y'all :)

Thnx for the responses y'all :)

Can anyone give me a TL;DR of why AV Club switched over to Kinja? Not for cheekiness purposes; just wanna see where they were comin' from.

Can anyone give me a TL;DR of why AV Club switched over to Kinja? Not for cheekiness purposes; just wanna see where they were comin' from.

HOT TAKE: I don't like Kinja.

HOT TAKE: I don't like Kinja.