Krombopulos Michael

Hey so who's gonna be in the third movie???

Don't you mean Tamzarian?

Trump butt sucks.

2 Body 2 Snatchers

Also prepare yourself for Kilo Man, Giga Man, and Tera Man.

Tom Hardy is a lame poser.

Spiderman: Thirsty Thursday

So sick and tired of black spider-suits getting tossed aside for the more "bankable" counterpart. #SpidermenSoRedAndBlue

There's no way a Spider-Man sequel could ever turn into a mess. Ever.

That'll learn 'em!

If Bradley Cooper had been chained to the floor, and then left there forever, never to make another movie ever again, it would have been much better.

Toy 4ry

"I am directing Toy Story now."
-Barkhad Abdi

The United States of America 2016-on

I assure you all, not ALL Michigan voters are complete idiots. Some of us are just old and like sticking it to the young people.

I don't trust my fellow Michiganders to not fuck up again.

What a man, what a man, what a man,
What a mighty good man.

I know this could be solved with a simple Google search, but whatever happened to Richard Dreyfuss?

100 times yes. And Guest really came upon some treasure when he first cast Parker Posey in Guffman.

From the articles I've read at least 44 states have flat out rejected the voter info dump. I really hope this commission doesn't find some other bullshit way to worm their party into power for generations to come.