Krombopulos Michael

Didn't realize this guy was such a go-to for so many big productions. Must've been a solid guy for directors to want to work with him over and over again. Bummer. RIP

Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUUUUUUUCK everyone involved in this government administration, from the inner circle to the voters that propelled them to power. I really hate the feeling of always wanting to punch someone in the face but having literally no means of doing so.

I may have committed some light treason.
-Donald Trump

Don't forget, the most BEAUTIFUL illegal things.

I've been Venomed out since fall 2016.


And now I'm happily married! Quang still can't understand a word I say but whenever it comes to a head we just put on MCR and let Gerard Way's voice remind us why we fell in love.

Knowing that someone, somewhere is probably going to defend this behavior to the death JUST because it's Trump makes me want to flip over my desk and go full-Office Space on my computer.

Idea: SoundCloud pulls a reverse-MySpace and becomes a social networking platform for 13 year-olds into My Chemical Romance and East Asian women looking for American grooms.

I wouldn't say mostly black people. It's actually fairly diverse, especially in and around downtown. But yes, there are a fair amount of black folk there, who are unfortunately not considered "high priority" enough by the higher-ups.

Yeah. I try and hold out hope as much as I can. My parents still live in Flint and Snyder hasn't shed a single tear over the damage he's caused, so it's tough. Gotta love western Michigan's conservative Evangelical population for blindly hitting 'red' at every single gubernatorial election.

Beautiful people.

Yeah, but I group those into the 'shit politicians' category.

Lots of dumbasses and even worse politicians, but other than that it ain't all that bad.

Another Michigander here, and as much as I'd like our people to educate themselves and for our government to get its head out of its ass, there are fleeting moments when I want the entire state to pay for what it's done.

You made it through, and that's what's important.

I keep really really strong absinthe in there. Just a sip gets you absolutely shithoused and can be easily rationed through the next three presidential cycles. Combined with the brownie edibles I got from this kid Ricky at my school, it's gonna be like Amsterdam up in that attic.

Should've specified: I'm American myself. If you find an attic, let me know. And make sure there's room for my mini fridge.

See, I'm not sure about that though. On one hand, she's a beautiful, charming blonde that any Republican would love to have as a spokesman for their party, especially when it comes to reaching out to the millennial crowd. But on the other hand, there's the whole vagina situation.

In all good consciousness I can't bring myself to click on the link, knowing it will stain my history. To anyone who had the chutzpah to check it out: did you see any key campaign points listed on the website? I'm curious to know what this pile of untreated leather is going to say to dupe uneducated Michiganders into