
What does his political affiliation have to do with it? Or are you just pointing out his strangeness? (Left and nice are kind of a strange combination, is that your point?)

Or he could try fucking Rene Russo. It’s good for what ails ya.

Honestly? The Panthers have treated him like a running back for years, and so his career arc is that of a running back, rather than that of a quarterback. Rivera’s attempts in the past few years to reduce his rushing attempts have come too little, too late.

Now playing

I wonder when the Panthers will start that Nate kid. He’s been warming up for a long time.

Failed stadium man,
had a foolproof plan,
to govern USA Cricket.
But when the batsmen score,
there‘s no crowd to roar,
because nobody bought a ticket.
He looks around,
no patsy to be found,
left defenseless like the wicket.
Failed stadium man,
had a foolproof plan,
but all he hears now is crickets.

At least you flushed something.

Can’t we all come together and hope that the Yankees go on the worst losing streak ever?

The poor cooking skills of parents can have a huge impact on what kids eat. This goes beyond veggies to just about any kind of food.

If you want delicious broccoli, just douse it with olive oil, salt, and pepper and then roast it at a high temp. I never loved steamed broccoli, but I could eat a full dinner plate of the stuff when roasted.

I’m not sure I’d want to see Intergluteal Cleft opening for anyone.

This is exactly what I was afraid of after the double-doink happened: Nagy had a scapegoat to distract from his horrible offensive play-calling in the divisional round that necessitated a game-winning FG to begin with, and that he wouldn’t learn anything because he could just blame Parkey. And he hasn’t learned a

In Detroit, we’ve at least got the sense to leave the pumpkin spice potpourri out of our chili.

Most born-again Christians i know personally got there by way of addiction. Then they replaced the booze, or the gambling, or the women with Jesus.

There’s no way this lady means well in any way.

Honestly? I almost exclusively eat the “Standard” Hamburger.

Back in the early ‘00s I said that Ranch would be the condiment of the new Willennium. Seems like I was right.

Pete Carroll and John Schneider concluded their successful heist by hopping in their getaway car, jumping over a river, and running for the county line.

Yeah, this has been my go-to order for the last few years. The 2x Chalupas either turn out great (crisp and greasy) or bland (soggy and gross) so it was always a gamble but the XXL was consistently good. Guess I’m back to the regular super burrito until something new comes out. The $1 Beefy Mini Quesadilla was good