
This seems like a really great way to maximize the power of the browned cheese edge, since each pizza is essentially a slice with a fully enclosed ring of caramelized cheese.

The best way to eat Kiwis is to freeze them and then rinse briefly under hot water. If they’re ripe enough, the skin should peel off without too much effort, plus the fruit is like a little kiwi ice pop. The only downside is that thawed kiwi has a different texture than fresh ones, so it’s best to eat them before they

I kinda wish I had the ability to compare an old bottle to a new bottle. During the shortage, I broke down and got two bottles from Amazon. I’m not sure if they’re old or new but the heat level does seem to be less. Then again, I think I’m becoming more spice tolerant as I age because when I first started using

I’ll just drop a link to clarify...

Bar pie has cheese right up to the edge, so there really isn’t much exposed crust around the outside. You get some of the the caramelized cheese edge of pan pizza but you don’t really get the bubbled leopard spot crust of the other thin crust styles.

I’m lazy, I just take a half block of either firm or medium tofu, cut it into slices, and top the slices with kimchi or a quick peanut sauce made with PB2, chamoy and coconut milk. I don’t bother pressing the tofu beforehand, I just put the unused half in the fridge and let it “self wring” into the container. Sure,

When I make nachos, I like to line a large baking tray with foil and arrange the chips in a fashion that allows me to apply a relatively even amount of toppings on the chips. Unfortunately, some of the better tasting chips are delicate, twisted-up chips and I like making nachos with chips that are sturdy and flat.

So you’re saying the chips are a lye?

Back in the spring, I did a morning fasted, no-sleep bike ride on nothing more than the power of one Prime energy drink. Once the caffeine kicked in, I started feeling this odd combo of tired and wired and I felt uncomfortable whenever I came to a rest. Before I left, my legs felt quite “heavy” but the extra caffeine

That’s a bummer, and it just harkens back to family vacations where we’d drive around looking for a place to eat before eventually settling on a large, well-known chain. I didn’t realize it at the time, but my parents were actually trying to experience the location through cuisine (one of the supposed points of

When I first starting making falafel wraps with a Mexican flavor profile, I used a lime tahini sauce that worked pretty well. I’ve shifted away from the tahini towards a sauce made with cream cheese, blended chipotles in adobo, and onion jam. I tried making the chipotle/onion jam version with tahini but I couldn’t

I wish there was a vegan cream cheese that held its consistency after being warmed up. I like using cream cheese in burritos because I can stir a bit of salsa into it and the mixture will gradually coagulate as it cools, holding the sauce in place and preventing it from turning the bottom of the burrito into a runny

I’d give you a million-to-one shot. 

This is gonna sound weird, but one of my PB&J sandwiches involves english muffins, Kelly’s marionberry habanero jelly, and frozen pucks made with cottage cheese, PB2, maple syrup, and splash of coconut milk. Inside small ramekins, I freeze the cottage cheese/PB2 pucks and when I want to use them, I put them inside a

It’s been about two and half years since this post originally went up, and in that time I’ve started using apricot jam in dishes that contain curry powder and/or garam masala. I’d actually prefer to use up some of the hachiya persimmons I have stashed away in the freezer but those things get rationed because they’re

Does this also work with dogs?

I whole-heartedly agree about pan-style being very user friendly. If I had to estimate the amount of actual time spent laboring on one of these pizzas, I’d put the number at around 45 minutes (I go the uncooked sauce route but I do shred my own cheese). Personally, I’ve found that I can achieve the best balance of

I’m just gonna take a wild swing and guess that calcium carbonate has something to do with the cooling effect. *shrugs*

Seeing as how the fruit is being included in an item that’s like two baby steps away from being an MRE, I think the “fresh” part should probably need quotes.

If aspartame has 4 calories per gram, it’s not a non-nutritive sweetener. All carbohydrates (this includes all forms of sugar) have 4 calories per gram. Aspartame is suitable for usage in zero/lower calorie products because it’s 200 times sweeter than regular sugar.