
That 1999 Star Wars movie was just plain lame. It was little more than an extended toy commercial and I recall everyone was disappointed in it. The Matrix was the real pop culture event that year. I recall my local theater had that film running for 6 months while every other film got rotated out in 2 weeks max.

I think he’s just getting cold feet.

Hello, freshman year at Chico State.

This will actually get me into a Burger King for the first time in a bunch of years

Holy fuck Tomato, this is super fucking low even for you.

My spice tolerance is obnoxiously high, so it’s unreasonable to ask a fast food chain to make me sweat, but there’s a range of “fast food spicy” going from, “Oh, hey, there’s a nice kick. Good job, guys!” all the way down to, “This is spicy? Is salt a spice?” And I judge anything on the low end of that spectrum

“Start your hurling, it’s John Sterling!” 

There’s an old saying - old but true - that the Yankees play a doubleheader every day.  One game is what the fans and viewers see, and the other is what John Sterling sees.  Every time I hear him go off with his mmmitishigh, mmmitisfar, mmmitisgawne I just want to shove knitting needles in my ears until the points

Anyone remember Buzz Beer from the Drew Carey show? I still hold that show was underrated.

Dammit, that was MY low hanging fruit!

Losing 10 Barrel to “the man” hurt, I used to enjoy their Apocalypse often.

I’ve found three flavors near me - Mojo Criollo, Mojo Chipotle, and Naranja Agria (Bitter Orange).

And for those who try to sell the idea that it’s “easy to make at home”...Goya knows these flavors a hell of a lot better than I do.

I am not a doctor, but I seriously doubt White Claw is better for you than beer. It’s still alcohol - and that alcohol is derived from sugar. So while you may not be loading up on beer hops, you’re definitely getting your fair share of sugar.

Its a stupidly pathetic attempt to mimic Allioli a la Catalana, and way misses the mark. But just sub that out and it’ll be fucking amazing, if you have the time and arm to make it the traditional way in a mortar and pestle. Just olive oil, garlic, salt and a splash of lemon juice depending on the family recipe, so

That’s my governor. 

Weird person with an aversion to ranch, sour cream, and mayo here.

That is near the percentage of people who think Trump is doing a good job. Take that as you will.

The time change should be abolished, but it’s shit-time standard time that should go.

I agree that the practice should be abolished, but I would prefer permanent Daylight Saving Time as I didn’t like getting home from school or work in the dark.

Yeah, I am going to call bullshit on any chain restaurant that says their recipe hasn’t changed in 40 years. 40 years ago pizza cheese wasn’t anti-coagulant paste, and marinara sauce wasn’t 50% corn syrup.