
What better way to stick it to the Yankees by not only refusing to send them Syndergaard because of...reasons...but also trading for one of the few viable options they had left?

The hunger-ravaged, wandering spirit of Christopher McCandles haunts the wilds where he perished. He spares the traveler who offers up portions of his granola. He kills the ones that don’t have the kind with M&Ms.

I have to say, as a non-Yankee fan, this systematic destruction of Jeter’s carefully crafted public image - largely at his own hands - pleases me greatly.

Buddy, I can call Ty Cobb anything I want cause that dead mother fucker isn’t gonna do a god damn thing to stop me. He wouldn’t drive on roads paved by the Chinese. He hit Guatemalans with tire irons for fun. He tucked his weiner back at least twice a day because it made him feel alive.

Jeter never called or corresponded with either in any way, and indeed to this very day neither have heard from Jeter directly

Also in the news: two in five Americans need a good kicking.

My favorite line in the movie is “I thought it was my mom’s old douchebag but that’s in Ohio.”

I also need to save calories for beer.

White Claw: THE choice for active functioning alcoholics everywhere

The last one is what most people commonly refer to as A JOKE. God damn, how is that so many people in this comment section don’t get that? It’s a crack on how bad turkey bacon is. Yeesh.

McDonald's and Kraft thank you for your service, your check is in the mail.

Disordered eating is real, toxic diet culture is real. It’s not about being sensitive, it’s about dealing with some serious food problems deeply ingrained in our culture.

There should have been a tiny circle in the middle saying “French food” and a larger circle saying “sauce for french food”.

You’re completely right, and the people who can’t figure out that a triple bacon cheeseburger with a fried egg is less healthy than a plate of kale and brussels sprouts salad have a whole other issue to deal with (these people are morons and are beyond saving).

Ok so let’s not address America’s obesity epidemic.

Portion control isn’t offensive.

Your argument implies that a horribly racist caricature based on centuries of cruelty and abuse is the equivalent of a dumb joke about jeans.