
Correct. Those are not, in fact, Potentate Trump’s real eyebrows. The rest is authentic.

I don’t want to know what the JITB mystery meat concoction is, but goddamn, it’s weirdly tasty

“No, they’re not chanting, ‘Fuck Trump!’, sir, they’re chanting ‘BOOOOOO-URNS!’

You act as though there is any response that will get a schoolyard bully to turn into a decent person. Not gonna happen.

Her gaffe on her genetic history has fuck-all to do with her plans. Take your red herring back to the stream that produced it—and perhaps jump in after it.

-One of those God-Damned Ivory Towered Professors of Rhetoric and Logic

It helps to remember what some of those propaganda efforts were aimed at. Not necessarily at getting people to switch their vote to Trump. It was also aimed at depressing turnout among Democrats by playing up the fact that Clinton was more of a center left politician not a true progressive, and increasing turnout

Obesity is frequently a cause of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea will usually prevent a sufferer from getting a full night’s sleep. They’ll be exhausted and drowsy all day, fall asleep in their chairs, ...

This is a trick photo! All of those are the same woman, plus Glenn Beck, and ... what’s his name over there... Ann Coulter!

Then it will have died as it lived. 

The F stands for FREEDOM, poutine boy. FREEDOM

“The CBA? I don’t get it.
-Rob Pelinka

Not sure what white supremacists have to do with it

LatinX confuses me. Not the concept of gender neutral terms. This makes sense. I also understand the desire for gender neutral terms.

Motherfucker, you don’t live in SF. Nobody- and I mean absolutely fucking nobody- calls it San Fran. Fuck outta here. 

Ignore the haters!

James Dolan was born on third, meandered back to second and yelled “TOUCHDOWN!”

My high school ROP culinary program trained us to soak the onion slices in cold water for a few minutes to take the heat off the onions.  I will try your salt method if you try the cold water approach.  I imagine the salt will add a seasoning element to the onion; the water method would be the no-sodium option (for

mayonnaise and actual Cheetos