
“Some people say I’m a cocky old white man. What a lot of people don’t know about me is that I’m actually the humblest, youngest, blackest woman in the world. Maybe in the history of the world.”

So watery. And yet there’s a smack of ham to it... 

In before this comments thread detonates.

Of course it isn’t the same thing. Don’t be ridiculous. If people were honestly concerned about the unborn, they would logically be pro-contraception. That the anti-choice people are also anti-contraception makes it clear that their real interest is in controlling women’s lives. Period.

You missed the roasted garlic base. That stuff is delicious.

BTB is THE FUCKING SHIT. Not only does it seem to taste better than nice carton stocks, but you can customize the intensity of the stock, it is virtually imperishable (so no rush to use that unopened carton of stock), and you can make a combo beef-chicken base without having to open TWO cartons of broth.

Thanks but I’ll stick with my hot ham water.

I don’t really see the difference.

Here’s the official statement of what the KKK believes in 2018. It all sounds pretty harmless to me.

I want to believe that but look at any comment section really (Youtube, Yahoo, Twitter - But don’t actually because those are dumpster fires). Pour one out for humanity, because I think... I think people really ARE that stupid.

The Donnie Party.

Because the asshole in Kia took the tube with him.

I think I’ll skip that, as last time I read Breitbart comments I got cancer.

Cultural identity is like religion. It can be harmless to the people who partake in it.

There’s only one way to resolve the conflict between these warring factions of the GOP.

Turned on the Faux Newz

I remember one time that I had a marijuana, and then got wasted on it. I was so wasted that I didn’t say no when he offered me another marijuana. I didn’t say no, because I was already dead

By the usual definition, deserts get less than ten inches of rainfall a year. California has deserts, but they’re mostly in the south— and do not include such places as Los Angeles (15.1 in/year) and San Diego (a bit under 12.) . The agricultural Central Valley runs round 18.

Oh, look, another trump scumbag.