
I was so pissed they didn’t pick Tim, lol.

Who would have thought five years ago that Brandon Morrow would be making $10 million a year as a coveted free agent pitcher and Lincecum would be pitching for whatever scouts bother to show up for his showcase in Renton?

Sure, he’s muscular now, but I challenge you to find one picture of Tim during his playing career where he’s not ripped.

*Damnit. Not to point fingers, but I, uh, trusted a certain editor from New Jersey on that point. David Roth will remain nameless, though.

You are absolutely insane.

Mueller should change his name to Robert Transgender Fetus Climate Change and really put Trump in a Catch-22.

Blame the public. They decided they’d rather eat cookies and ice cream every meal than have to choke down journalistic vegetables.

There are 2 ways Fox News is remembered in history books years from now.


“Add this clip to the Golden Tate mixtape Chicago Bears blooper reel:”

May as well just go all metal.

Agree square cut pizza is an abomination, unless it is on a small Detroit style with the tasty burnt cheese around the edges.

Pagliacci is freaking amazing. I went back to Seattle this fall for the first time in a decade, and damn if it wasn’t as good as I had remembered it.

I started to be very very confused why that place would open in Seattle when there are other perfectly fine pizza places. Like Pagliacci (holy hell, I miss their chopped salad). Then I saw what neighborhood: Ballard. And on NW Leary. Oh. Now it makes sense.

The problem with Wilson is he improvises too much. It’s like he thinks he can just draw a play up in the dirt, throw caution to the wind, and everything will work out just fine. It’s gotta be maddening as a lineman or coach to never know if he’s going to roll out and scramble and wind up in the wrong place, throwing

Nothing sours you on a food like eating a bad version of it. Its actually why I make a habit of trying foods I general dislike once and a while. Not like order a whole meal but steal a bite of someone elses or try a little at a party or buffet.

Even better than Kaju Katli is Kaiju Katli. Instead of cashew, you use a delicious monster. Be cautious because a lot of them are radioactive.

You have no idea what a sloppy joe is, do you?

I don't think I've ever had one of these smashed burgers before—my fancy burger chain of preference is Five Guys—but if they're part of some pushback against burgers and sandwiches that are too tall for your mouth I'm all for it. There are two pretty basic rules for sandwiches—you shouldn't have to even consider using

They should just strip down their menu and make it good. Make burgers that actually taste like hamburger again. Fries that taste like they did in the 70's and 80's (fried in beef tallow). Nobody goes to McDonald's for high end eats. Just something fast, cheap and edible.