
I’ve got it down to a science; one 85 gram cinnamon raisin bagel split in half, and 14 grams of cream cheese that gets divided onto each half of the bagel. It’s not an eye-popping amount of cream cheese or anything, but it’s a nice even layer that provides some richness and just enough zing to counterbalance the

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with eating green beans from the can. Heating up canned green beans doesn’t do a damn thing except make them warm, otherwise they taste the same and have the exact same texture. I can’t recall the last time I bothered nuking canned green beans but I feel like it’s been a decade at the

That doesn’t sound correct, I think most toothpastes contain non-sucrose sweeteners like xylitol, sorbitol, and sodium saccharin. Putting sugar IN toothpaste kinda defeats the purpose, no?

I used to deliver pizza, and if we were able to get to and from the deliveries safely, we were totally fine with making them. If any of us had issues with getting stuck, we simply shut down for the evening. As for being out in bad weather, I worked during Seattle’s notoriously dreary rainy season, and driving in a

I like the salt and vinegar chips that you get from the beginning of the bag, but once you start digging deeper into the bag, the chips get increasingly smaller and saltier. The crumbs at the bottom of the bag might as well be pure table salt. I can only imagine Wendy’s modeled their pickle chips on the flavor profile

I don’t live anywhere near Cincinnati, so I had to resort to making a version I saw on some Youtube video. Maybe I got some wires crossed up and couldn’t get the recipe to fully detonate, but I can only describe the flavor of the chili as being a little like 7-11 chili mixed with pumpkin pie spice. I think it might’ve

The concept of dumping a can of chili con carne on top of spaghetti (or another starch like rice or quinoa) isn’t that unusual to me. On occasion, I’ll dump a can of Nalley’s beanless vegetarian chili on top of quinoa and garnish with peppers, onion, lettuce, hot sauce and a little cotija cheese (with an emphasis on a

I’d been taught to always add meat patties to a hot, oiled pan because throwing them in while the pan’s still cold could draw out maillard-inhibiting water to the surface of the meat. When I make poultry patties, I simply form the patties and slap them in a cold non-stick pan without any oil. After I’ve gotten the pan

Does the concept of intuitive eating do much in the way of teaching people the difference between appetite and hunger? If people aren’t able to tell the difference between appetite and hunger, they’re just going to end up being susceptible to the ways the food industry uses appetite as a vehicle for stimulating

When I make burritos, I like using Mexican seasoned falafel (it can be done and it totally works) or a combo of seasoned beans that have been cooked up with onion and green peppers. When I combine the proteins with condiments like avocado, pico de gallo, pickled jalapeno, and hot sauce, there’s just so many good

I don’t doubt that, but in Mexico it’s pretty common to find a guacamole made with nothing more than avocado, lime, and salt. The reason is that the guacamole is served as a condiment right alongside pico de gallo. 

Sounds about right, although some people would argue that adding diced peppers, onions and cilantro turns it into more of a pico de guacco than a guacamole. When I use avocado at home, there’s a fairly decent chance I’ve already got a bowl of pico de gallo ready, so I just mix the avocado in with a little bit of

It’s not gonna let me edit my post above, so let me just do it this way:

Ugh. Mayonnaise...why? It already has BBQ sauce, it doesn’t need anything else. At least it doesn’t look like they’re mixing the mayo into the BBQ sauce, I hate it when a sandwich comes with an actually spicy condiment that’s been mixed up with any one of the mediocre-to-horrifying white condiments.

What I seem to remember the most about 7th grade home class was that the classroom had plenty of space and nice baking/cooking equipment, but we only made a few things during the run of the course (I remember pizza, pie, and crepes). When we did make the pizza, I ended up mistaking a teaspoon of salt for a tablespoon

What this doesn’t really say is if snacking habits can impact total food consumption during the entire day. I can snack on junk food and not it have it make much of an impact on my appetite, so when meal time comes around, I’m still capable of having the same portion that I would’ve eaten if I hadn’t snacked on

I think you just made a rather silly point.

I can certainly think of another way to eliminate the cattle...

I’ve tried experimenting with differently seasoned versions of falafel. The one that I thought was surprisingly good was a falafel made with no fresh herbs or garlic/onion but with pumpkin spice and a little bit of sugar. I took the falafels out of the oil, let them cool a bit, dusted them with powdered sugar and

First off, pico de gallo is the best burrito salsa there is. Secondly, would you consider a burrito with lettuce to be a burrito or more of a self-contained soft taco? When I make a burrito, I always include lettuce.