
I’ve looked at few recipes for Filipino spaghetti and none of them consider using tomato ketchup to be a huge deviation, so I assume the spaghetti would still be sweet even if the banana ketchup got swapped with tomato ketchup. The sweetness of the dish comes from using any kind of ketchup as a stand-in for regular

I worked at a NY-style slice shop and we used a deck oven with a baking surface made from giant slabs of brick. For a thin crust pizza, the baking surface can make all the difference in the world.

At the very least, a scale is incredibly handy when it comes to baking. It’s all but impossible to hit a specific hydration level if you’re weighing out flour by volume.

I discovered halvah in late 2019, and I remember thinking “where have you been my entire life? I never wanna see you again...” At the time, I was holding steady at 50 pounds lost but I was going through my typical fall/winter weather funk (plus the recent loss of a furry friend) and I lost my motivation to keep up

It’s unfortunate that name-specific diets have to compete against one another and we end up in this landscape where it’s unnecessarily hard for people to just pick and choose foods they like from across the entire diet spectrum. I use keto rolls for burgers/sandwiches and low-carb friendly tortillas for burritos and

Is inconscience a portmanteau of incontinent and unconscious? That sounds like a real bad time.

Good lord, the combination of herring and sour cream sounds absolutely revolting. I think I’d rather eat seafood flavored cat food that’s been seasoned with copious amounts of Elmer’s glue.

My only experience with Wagyu beef has been the Costco Wagyu burger patties, and I have to say that I wasn’t all that impressed. The patties didn’t really taste much different from leaner ground sirloin but they did have a significantly lower protein to calorie ratio. The patties cooked up almost exactly the same way

I’ve been toying around with the idea of making big, round sheets of lasagna dough that can neatly fit inside my big 14" skillet. Problem is, I’ve never made pasta nor do I know if making lasagna with raw dough is possible. I’ve always used dried sheets that get a nice soaking before usage. 

One of the goals of wearing a thong is to cover up nuts, so it least it didn’t fail in that regard.

Yep, there’s a Papas in Lake Stevens and that’s the one I’m familiar with. I think they have a better and more diverse menu than the other places in town but I’d still prefer taqueria-style fare if I could find it on this side of the trestle. Unfortunately, I tried placing an order on Saturday and no one picked up the

I think some of the negativity surrounding the term “Tex-Mex” is that in areas outside of Texas and with low levels of Mexican heritage, Tex-Mex restaurants seem to be the dominant style. In these instances, the “Tex” part of “Tex-Mex” usually gets de-emphasized so the restaurant just becomes “Mexican” and people

I live in Washington state, and there’s a nearby place that advertises itself as being a “California-style Mexican grill”, yet the menu features fajitas and large burritos that are plated, smothered, and sauced. Fajitas are 100% Tex-Mex and the burritos I’ve typically thought of as being associated with Cal-Mex

This burger is just taking the scenic route to the same destination of disappointment that all super-huge versions of hand-held foods seem to end up in. For me, the ideal burger/burrito/sandwich is one where I can taste most of the components in a single bite. Failing that, I’ll accept something where each bite

Oh, there was a TON of projection surrounding that commercial, and pretty much all of it came from people who don’t like exercising and have the body size to back up that dislike.

The one saving grace of overcooked spaghetti is that the pasta simply doesn’t have the same capacity to soak up sauce as al dente pasta does. In my days of poorly prepared spaghetti yore, I’d eat the leftovers cold because nuking the spaghetti pretty much laid waste to anything resembling moisture. You know you’re

There’s also the fact that the simple process of gaining weight doesn’t create new fat cells, it just makes existing fat cells larger and more dense. If both a slim person and a person who’s a little bigger have the same amount of total fat cells, the potential for covid to “hide out” in those fat cells is equal even

The psychology around food and hunger is well-known at this point. We can criticize “diet culture” all we want but it rings hollow without the acknowledgement that movements like body positivity and HAE also possess the potential to be breeding grounds for manipulative actors. I’ve been out on fairly long (and

Someone once told me “if you fully enjoyed that bike ride you just went on, then you didn’t burn enough calories for the time spent”, and that quote just sticks in the back of my head as I leave the house for a ride, haven given myself more than enough time for a somewhat moderately-paced 30 mile route (knowing full

The only issues I have using chopsticks is with rice that loses its stickiness after being exposed to some kind of sauce. In a container of takeout stir-fry or some kind of teriyaki dish with lots of sauce, the sauce always leaks over into the ball of rice and completely soaks the bottom. When that happens, the top of