
This is only the third time I’ve seen this message today and I’ve only read this one article. Either I’ve entered a Robotussin-induced space/time loop or you have some sort of dementia that causes you to repeatedly post the same thing. People with genuine opinions tend to express them in ways that are designed to

I typically make Sicilian-style pies in cast iron and I make the dough in the evening, put it in the fridge before I go to bed, and bring it back out when I get home the next afternoon in order to give it time to proof inside the skillet. I always assumed fermentation was part of the rising process and that a chilled

For me, It’d be the Twix to go. I honestly never thought of Twix as a candy bar to begin with. My parents made a point to not stock the house with candy bars but there were always Costco-sized boxes of Twix around and I figured it was because my parents had mistaken their relative lack of flavor as a sign that they

I gotta say the Hazan sauce seems more like butter and oil sauce with tomato than tomato sauce, but it’s still worth a try. I’ve tried Kenji’s New York-style pizza sauce (the one with butter, EVOO, tomato, and discarded onion) and while it was decent, the butter flavor in the sauce was very forward and I guess I’m

I’m not a huge raisin person, but I swear that the raisins in Costco’s store-brand trail mix have an added salt to them that just pleasantly enhances the whole raisin eating experience. The salted raisins pair up nicely with the M&M’s and mixed nuts. 

Tim’s used to make a cajun-flavored chip that rivaled the jalapeno chips in spiciness but had a way better overall flavor. For some reason they were discontinued and it’s a damn shame.  

I understand most of the toppings on a Chicago-style dog but I have trouble wrapping my brain around why celery salt is necessary. I’ve never eaten a well-dressed hot dog and thought to myself that the one thing it was missing was salt. I do sprinkle celery seed on top of hot dogs from time to time though.

The refs missed a pretty blatant helmet-to-helmet on Wilson in the win over Pittsburgh. Also, a majority of the worst hits Cam’s taken have been on plays where’s he considered a runner and not a QB, so he’s not afforded any protection that comes with staying back in the pocket. As a QB, there are times when getting

Shaky cheese gets better when one recognizes that it’s essentially vaguely cheese-like salt. I’ve found that one of the best uses for shaky cheese is buttered corn on the cob.

I’ve read about alternative salting on other posts here and decided that when making turkey meatloaf, I could replace most of the added salt with cheap parmesan and tomato paste and it really makes up for the fact that I’m using turkey (don’t judge me on the usage of turkey, I have my reasons.) The savory hit of the

Fruit’s a gamble, and unfortunately for the avocado, the caloric hit of one is too high for me to justify finishing one that’s not quite up to par. Earlier today I attempted to eat the only avocado left in my fruit bin and I knew it wasn’t going to be very good after I cut it open and scooped it out. I really wanted

Pudding is actually pretty complicated. To some, it’s a sweet, spoonable dessert but to others, it’s a savory pastry associated with roasted meat.

The combo of cheese and olives doesn’t sound too bad, especially considering that the combo of cheese, olives, and tortilla chips makes for perfectly reasonable nachos. It’s the addition of cucumbers that drags this sandwich into loathsome territory. At least have the presence of mind to ask for pickles instead!

Cincinnati-style chili is much, much closer to being Filipino spaghetti than actual chili con carne. I think the name does it a disservice because when I hear the wordchili”, my brain doesn’t exactly conjure up images of spaghetti covered in a meat sauce and a half pound of cheese. 

I remember the second iteration of the “volcano” taco and they weren’t spicy at all. I had no idea there was an original version, but I also never had Taco Bell until one opened in my town sometime in the mid-90's. Taco Bell’s fire sauce can actually be used as a way to dilute the heat from eating something with

It’s pretty hard to be petty from beyond the grave.

This shouldn’t end up being too hard. All they have to do is target anyone who voluntarily shows up to one of Trump’s little ego-jerk rallies without a little financial motivation coming their way.

It’s no coincidence that in many cultures, spirituality and entheogenic or hallucinogenic substances are inextricably linked. I’ve had experiences where I’ve only been able to visualize certain things after other people on similar journeys reported seeing them, and I’ve also had experiences where the opposite was

A big issue is people putting off losing weight for so long that by the time they get around to making an effort, they feel like they need to undergo more drastic measures in order lose what ends up being more weight in a relatively short amount of time. Losing weight very slowly with an increase in activity levels

I’ve never noticed any kind of lemon zing or tartness coming from the mayo I do end up consuming, but for the most part, if I’m eating something with mayo on it, it’ll be a takeout burger or sandwich that was erroneously prepared and I just didn’t feel like going through the added effort to rectify the mistake. I can