
Mayo is not an essential ingredient in anything at any point in time and the school of thought that raises up a relatively milquetoast condiment as some sort of substance worthy of high genuflection is what really sets us many of us naysayers off. Mayo doesn’t even have much of a flavor to begin with, but I can tell

If I want ribs, I’m adding baby backs.

This is only the 3rd time I’ve seen this exact same post by you on this article. What’s it like to have the memory of a stuffed tiger?

Shit, I hit the pop culture wall as an upperclassman in high school. Once file sharing programs made it possible for me to seek out music I actually wanted to hear, I had no reason to tune in to the increasingly stale alternative rock stations of the early 00's. I’ve been outta the loop for at least 15 years now.

It hasn’t exactly gotten the rerun treatment that other long-running shows from the same era have gotten though, which sucks because I’d take a few episodes of The Drew Carey Show over Friends just about any time. 

White Claw is 5% and 100 calories per 12 oz, and according to a quick search of other drinks with 5% alc (give or take a few tenths of a percentage point), the 100 calories is the lowest of any of them by a fairly wide margin. That being said, I drank an entire six-pack of White Claw in one sitting and my brain never

There was an article on White Claw over at The Takeout so I actually went out and bought a six-pack just to see what the hubbub was about. What I had originally thought was going to be a six-pack of tallboys for $9 turned out to be a six-pack or regular-sized cans for $11 and I didn’t realize my mistake until I had

The only days that should be reserved for karaoke are days that end with the letter G.

Thanks for the input!

I’d be perfectly fine with a roasted garlic spread with a squeeze or two of fresh lemon on top of the finished sandwich. Hell, even garlic butter with some lemon zest could work.

It’s a different version of Haruki (sp?) Croissant, who very clearly made shitposting their mission.

They have the entire culinary palette of Spain to play around with and they choose to slather the sandwich in mayonnaise? Why would they do such a thing? That’s like a basketball team erasing 25 points of a 26-point deficit and then asking the refs to call off the rest of the game because they’re satisfied with their

No, it’s not fine. It’s a horrible intrusion of a useless, disgusting condiment (ranch) into a desirable and pleasurable condiment (salsa). If a person absolutely must add something to a salsa to make it “pop”, that means they’re not eating good salsa. A good salsa should already contain as much flavor as it needs to

I’ve been having success using a stone pan and a dough somewhere between 69-70% hydration. I coat the dough in olive oil before I let it rise and haven’t been adding any extra oil to the pan. With the oven at 500, I cook the pizza on the middle rack for about 10 minutes then transfer to the bottom rack for 10 minutes


Clogged sinuses have the ability to dull flavors to the point where they’re basically undetectable, but anything derived from the basic sensation of taste (sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty, savory) will be unaffected. Strangely enough, I have this issue where I’ll eat spicy food in an attempt to clear out my sinuses

In order to recognize the toxic diet culture in the US, one must also be able to recognize the culture of unabashed gluttony that also exists along with the diet culture. Unfortunately, we have issues with both in this country but only one of those issues is roundly criticized while the other is treated with the

I think the most Cardinals thing ever is when they had one of their best regular seasons by record in 2013 and still missed the playoffs. The next year, they tied their all-time win total with 11 wins and got rewarded by having the pleasure of watching Ryan Lindley attempt to play QB for four quarters of what was

My guess would be a parachute and some kind of flotation device if the bumping happens to take place over a large body of water.

This is, uh, a little off-topic donchathink?