
Honestly, places that serve spicy food should include a disclaimer stating that if the diner can’t handle the spice, the restaurant isn’t liable for replacing it at no cost. That would at least weed out the spice pretenders from the real chili-heads. 

There are times when I wish teriyaki would come with roasted broccoli instead of rice. The places near me all have broccoli on the menu, but it’s always criminally under-cooked.

I thought onion rings would be the first thing they’d list. Not only do they go well with a burger, but they even go on the burger if there’s enough room for them to fit. I will always be a fan of the rodeo-style burger with BBQ sauce, onion rings, and bacon.

Injuries can be fluky and there’s no way to guess when a bunch of them will happen at the same time. If this is the same conditioning staff that was in place for the past few seasons, it’s looking like this year is shaping up to be an outlier. I’d be worried if the injury bug continues to persist for more than a

You mean the band that did the theme song for Around the Horn?

With respect to your statement, if I were to take it at face value I’d be doing the exact same thing it happens to be admonishing.

Taco Time is based out of somewhere in western WA state. At one point in time their tacos would rain grease down onto the wrapper if you held them at a certain angle.

Taco Time’s Mexi-Fries are the sole reason why I associate tater tots with hot sauce. 

There is no such thing as the good ranch, only varying shades of bad ranch. Those potatoes look like they could use some adobo sauce or something else with a kick to it.

Taco Time’s medium salsa is actually pretty good for a fast food joint. You can actually taste the fire-roasted tomatoes and cilantro. 

I’m coming to the party a little late, but one thing I do for bratwurst is cook an onion down in a pan, then add some kraut and caraway seed. I have to start adding diced onion on top of the onion/kraut reduction because this now needs two (TWO!) types of onions! 

4 out of 10? Taco Bell’s spiciest sauce is a solid 1 compared to some sauces that are actually meant to be consumed and not used as a weapon. 

I think I “found out” about spiciness the same way. At some point before I turned ten, I accidentally got some spicy mustard on my BBQ pork and it whooped me upside the head. It was an unpleasant experience at the time, but it didn’t stop me from becoming familiar with pickled peppers and hot sauce/salsa. On my 12th bi

Another version:

Time is money, dude! 

The issue with pre-slicing tomatoes and storing them in a fridge is that tomatoes aren’t supposed to be put into a cold environment. When a tomato gets cool, it becomes mealy and loses some of its flavor compounds, resulting in the kind of tomato that turned me away from eating the damned fruit for the first 27 years

Does this idiot actually believe that individuals are smuggling huge amounts of drugs across unsecured areas of the border? Even with the risk of getting caught, it’s much more feasible to try to get as much contraband past a single port of entry in one trip. It’s not like the cartels are giving each potential crosser

We should all be on the lookout for one of these:

Thanks for ruining cheesy mashed potatoes for me. I will now no longer be able to separate a tasty meal of mashed tubers from the words of a drooling, senile goober.

Country gravy with chicken tenders is mighty fine, but let me go on record with my support of au jus gravy with chicken tenders and fries. I don’t understand the bad rap ketchup’s gotten. I would never use ketchup on a steak but barring the absence of something better, it’s perfectly acceptable to use for most