
Great. Now when can we be expecting North Korea to sue Marmalade Mugabe for sexual harassment?

That right there is both a snack and a thirst quencher.

This must be why the stems of jalepeno peppers develop mold quicker while in the crisper and less slowly when they’re in other parts of the fridge.

Finally, a league in which the USMNT can compete in!

It reminds me of that one Def Leppard song, pour some nasal sugar on me...

Well, that brings today’s episode of Was It Racist, Nationalistic, or Just Plain Dumb? to a conclusion. Join us tomorrow at 3:30 EST for the next chance to guess the true nature of the statements our president makes.

That’s the spirit!

I like pickled okra as well, along with just about any other thing under the sun that can be pickled. Unfortunately, pickled things are pretty high in salt content to actual food mass so I try to ration how much of it I eat. I could eat a whole jar of pickled okra in one sitting and probably hit 100% of the

Like the Circle Jerks in the movie Repo Man.

“Nice arm, bro!” - Johnny Damon

His teeth will fall out if he speaks too fast.

Awww, the Denver Broncos?

I was wondering if the cans of soup shown in the photo on top were affiliated with this restaurant. Over the last couple years I’ve probably bought a dozen of those cans from one of the local stores and both the original and bacon varieties are great.

There’s a whole lotta backpfeifengesicht going on in that photo.

Is it too early to start up the 1962 Mets watch?

He’s quickly going to learn that in Cincinnati, a three way is not exactly what it sounds like.

“Hey Bill, look over there. I see a groundhog on the side of the road. I think he’s...he’s painting a picture! It looks like a Picasso...

What I’d like to know is why the cop had to halt the traffic for a small rodent on the road. That thing isn’t big enough to put a dent a in Yugo let alone an F250. Either nature would’ve ran its course eventually or the groundhog would’ve scampered off to a safer environment.

First Canadian pitcher to throw a no-no in Canada. It’s neat how first occurrences keep on happening even with the game being 150 years old.

Lengua? What is that?