
This is a funny way to separate the gen Xer’s and older millenials from the youts.

The dough is unleavened so it doesn’t rise like a standard pizza dough would. The first time I attempted to make pizza dough, I accidentally used cold water and it caused the yeast to fail to activate. The resulting pizza kind of resembled a baked pita chip on the bottom and was impossible to fold. That’s not such a

It’s really better if you think of it less as pizza and more as pizza-flavored nachos. The provel cheese sounds abhorrent, but the cracker crust can hold a small dump truck’s load of toppings, so at least there’s one redeeming quality in it.

I believe Lou Holtz speaks in a phlegmish dialect.

“No way you could say something like that in the media about Obama without backlash or trouble.”

They don’t care because it pisses off the liberals. As of right now, the endgame of mainstream conservatism isn’t to make the world a better place, it’s to piss off liberals. They could’ve voted for a Republican president who liberals wouldn’t have fundamentally agreed with but one who was still “tolerable”

At no point in this article were Republicans blamed for this storm.

I’d be a snowboarder if I didn’t need to put up a 2nd mortgage on my house just to afford a lift ticket. Skateboarding is way cheaper and just as much fun, plus I don’t need to freeze my ass off in order to successfully partake.

I live in the northwest, and in most years it goes from full-on summer glory to the depths of the endless drip of fall in about two weeks. Fuck fall, and fuck all that it stands for. Fuck the two weeks of colored leaves that just get blown from the trees during the first semi-potent windstorm of the season, leaving

It feels like those letters are arranged in a way to make them comprehensible, and yet, I’m getting nothing.

“The Boston accent isn’t an accent as much as it’s a whole region saying most words wrong.” - Louis CK

That explains it then. Thanks!

This is something Jerry Dipoto should’ve jumped on, given the paucity of healthy arms on the M’s pitching staff. Instead, he got Mike Leake for a minor league player. I wonder what Nicasio’s club control looks like after this season.

“I don’t fault her for wanting to change her name, my last name is also a euphemism for penis and I can’t get any work in acting.” - Gene Schlong

The amount of rainfall isn’t necessarily due to the strength of the storm, it’s more due to the storm essentially parking over one area for an extended amount of time. Katrina (which was a little weaker than Harvey) only dropped around a foot of rain in the worst-hit areas. Most tropical systems come ashore and move

Remove the Astros and have the Indians play one of teams from the den of mediocrity that is the 2nd wild card. As an M’s fan, I don’t want to see a team that wasn’t even in the division (or the league) five years ago have any success while my team languishes within the depths of eternal purgatory.

It’s probably a good thing that the Royals aren’t scoring, lest we need more nobility that are all incest-y and such.

The Germans have a phrase for it ... backpfeifengesicht.

It should also be noted that Washington apples are just starting to come into season, so it would make sense that they’d be cheaper than ones that have to be shipped in from New Zealand.

If you don’t like the hot desert summers of Reno, the coast of Texas offers up summer temperatures that are comparable with Reno with added humidity to boot. I should also note that during the summer, night time lows in Reno are much lower than coastal Texas. You might not like that transition as much as you think.