
That’s a real bummer. Dude’s worked hard in going from an average recruit before joining UW to being a great NBA player. His shot that sank Arizona will always be a great memory.

Randy Johnson’s wipe out slider did the same thing to lefty hitters. He already had a 98 mph fastball so when that 6' 10" frame threw the slider, most hitters would bail out and step in the bucket. The hitter gears up for a pitch that comes in fast and a change of pace throws the timing off.

Unfortunately, the best recording technology of the time just wasn’t available to the cash-strapped hardcore bands, but hardcore didn’t really need a lot of it either. At a minimum, the guitar solos that were slogged through live come through with more clarity and accuracy on the recorded versions. Otherwise, the

The 80's had hardcore punk and thrash metal, that’s about it. The only other positive I can assign to the decade is bad hip-hop wasn’t ubiquitous like it is now.

Compared to the M’s pitchers, New York’s staff has been a relative bastion of health. Scott Servais is now working with arm number 37 this season, compared to just 26 for the Mets. There was even an instance of two relievers getting hurt during the same at bat. It feels like the Spinal Tap drummer’s curse has taken a

Unfortunately, failing to denounce neo-nazis and white supremacists is apparently all too divisive.

Joe Paterno would be a fair comparison to the founding fathers if either he had the same amount of impact as the founding fathers or turning a blind eye to molestation was just something that people did at the time. Since neither of those scenarios exist, the comparison doesn’t hold up. Paterno was the coach of one

It felt like an eternity on day two.

Damn you for bringing a six pack of facts to a party of dummies!

Yeah, but what do chicks dig?

Forget about just touching the meatball with the bat, that person would also have to possess the power to hit it at least 302 feet (302 feet is the shortest distance from the plate to the fence in any major league stadium).

Cricket batsmen have swings that tend to be quicker and more compact than their baseball counterparts. From the batter’s perspective, the boundary is also much closer to the batter in cricket than the fence is to a hitter in baseball. The cricketer would have to find a way to add another 80-100 feet to the average six

There’s always at least one of these fuckers that show up in threads like these. By all accounts, I’m a complete dummy and I still understand what the first amendment means in regard to free speech. I guess being under-educated isn’t propagating this lack of understanding as much as willful ignorance is.

Now if we’re talking about Megatron’s anus that’s set to open in Atlanta...

I voted for Bernie in the primary and reluctantly voted for HRC in the general. This is an odd hill for the OP to choose to die on.

I could’ve been more clear; this issue should’ve been resolved with the previous round of stadiums that have recently opened up in the region (New Yankee Stadium, Citizen’s Bank, Sun Trust, and Nationals Park). In the meantime, I guess these clubs are fine with inconveniencing both their fans and their players.

Both Houston and Miami see plenty of lightning but that didn’t stop either of those teams from building parks with retractable roofs. Domed stadiums are ugly, retractable roof stadiums aren’t. You want to know what is ugly? Attempting to play baseball in the rain.

That works in a sport like soccer where off days greatly outnumber match days during the season, but the baseball season has 162 games in roughly 180 days. That schedule only gets more cramped when rain postponements require teams to play doubleheaders or even revisit a team to play a cancelled game during what would

Protests aren’t supposed to be comfortable or convenient, and being on a sidewalk isn’t going to prevent someone from being hit by a car with a madman behind the wheel.

East coast summertime rain needlessly takes out another player. A Note to future architects who plan on designing the next batch of taxpayer-funded stadiums; you’ll need to add a retractable roof because the east coast has no dry season.