
If my lineage happened to include a bunch of traitorous racists, good riddance! Family doesn’t deserve respect simply because of blood relation, it deserves respect for engaging in respectful activities, of which fighting a war to preserve slavery doesn’t happen to be.

“They will not replace us.”

This statement is very true. The rhetoric coming from Pyongyang is not new, what’s new is the tone being put forth by our very own sherbet Napoleon. It’s a complicated situation that’s only being made worse by a lout who cheated his way into possessing the biggest cache of military firepower on the planet. Hoping that

You may correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the vote to go to war with Iraq happen before it came out that the intelligence surrounding WMD’s was falsified? All congress could do is vote on what they understood the situation to be at the time. We shouldn’t be judging any member of congress for a vote that came under

Kaep only seems bad if you just watch his games against the Seahawks. He’s had some terrible supporting casts ever since Harbaugh left and a quarter of the team decided to up and retire. I struggle to grasp why a player protesting the anthem for a noble cause can turn a player more radioactive than a player who’s

That’s like being the tallest person in a roomful of dwarves.

When the toppings are put under the cheese, the cheese browns quite nicely, especially with a small amount of cheddar thrown in there as a bonus.

It’s all about the weight. The hamburger patty should be the heaviest part of a burger, so putting it on top of the lighter toppings should act like a little bit of an anchor. Putting the toppings on top of the patty creates a leaning tower of disappointment.

Try making pizza in a cast-iron skillet. The cheese around the edge melts down and gets blackened, which is the best thing that can be done to the outer crust without creating some kind of non-pizza abomination (stuffed crust, hot dog bites.)

This is the wrong take.

The plastic wrapping American cheese comes in actually has more flavor than the cheese itself. Swiss melts just as well and actually tastes like cheese and not like some weird-ass frankencheese..

It does not do that when there’s a heap of caramelized onions on top of the patty. The cheese nestles in quite nicely with the onions and seals them in place, plus the dome of onions increases surface space on top of the patty so a slice of cheese doesn’t melt off the side that much.

And what happens when the two halves of the bun inevitably separate and turn the hot dog into the sandwich that people claim it to be?

I usually lay the lettuce and tomato on the bottom bun, and the top bun gets a nice smearing of BBQ sauce or adobo sauce. I’ve found that when using grilled onions, it’s best to put them on top of the patty and enclose them with cheese because the melted cheese keeps the onions from sliding everywhere, which they will

“You plan on being a burden to others?
When I no longer can contribute to society, I plan on turning the lights off and not impose on people who owe me nothing.”

Don’t you know? It’s okay to hold hypocritical viewpoints when that person is being a hypocrite for the lord and savior.

I’ll make it there one day! Effective cleanup or not!

At least they didn’t drop the “wake up sheeple!” line that I’ve come to expect from people who make these claims.

Yeah, occasionally stuff like that happens, it’s called “football”. There’s already enough built-in drama within games that there’s little need for it to be manufactured.

I figured that onion, some kind of mustard, and kraut was the gold standard for hot dog condiments. Most places that sell them have those options available while ketchup and relish are less commonly available.