
I’d like to find the right ratio between bratwurst and bun. The stores around here all sell brats that curl up when cooked and the buns they sell are either so tiny that there isn’t room for condiments or so big that there’s an inch of denuded bun sticking out on both sides.

Huy Fong’s sambal oelek is even better than sriracha. It’s basically the pure essence of ripened chiles in sauce form, and I use it in stir fries all the time.

I’ve used Chinese hot mustard as a quick replacement for yellow mustard and it was not a bad switch at all.

For hot dogs, mustard, onion, and sauerkraut. For brats, mustard, grilled onion, and sauerkraut. Sometimes I even add a little caraway seed to the sauerkraut.

The thing about Franken is he’s actually been in politics for a while now so I wouldn’t have too many reservations over casting a vote for him should that scenario arise. He’s not someone who should be a busboy claiming that making him head manager is the only way to make the restaurant great. However, firstly I’ll

He doesn’t rely on his intelligence agencies much in the same way as an alcoholic choosing to remain with the drunks at the bar instead of being around people that actually see the alcoholic for who they are and want them to change for the better. In this case, FOX News is the drunks at the bar and the intelligence

Hey, it takes a long time to clean up when you have to do it at both ends!

It sounds a lot like you’re trying to rationalize away that isolated incident where you fooled around with one after a night or drinking at a bar. Don’t worry, it doesn’t make you gay and you’ll still get into whatever non-existent afterlife you believe in. She probably even had incredible tits, didn’t she?

That doesn’t stop Trump from calling himself a person when he’s clearly trying to transition into being an orange.

With the way things are going right now, we’ll probably end up with a The Constitution™ brought to you by Carl’s, Jr.

It seems to me that voting for an unhinged, narcissistic con man just to spite the libruls is kinda snowflake-y.


I guess there’s a fine line between wisdom and a wilting mental capacity.

Democrats have seemed to get behind progressive social policies that don’t really have much of a financial impact but the legalization of cannabis isn’t finance-neutral so it’s still only supported by a fringe group within the party. It’s the one issue that really sours me on the Democrats - it should be a no-brainer

“The list of her illegal/borderline criminal activities are endless, so this is not so. People ignored her illegal shit for a long time. You think that she didn’t get info either?”

It’s a “conspiracy” that happens to be supported by our intelligence agencies. If you’re trying to compare this to the garbage that’s supported by the frothing-at-the-mouth Alex Jones types you are not even fucking close to a comparison.

You’re going to need a nice warm coat to deal with the impending Siberian winter.

Hillary’s likeability is irrelevant to this discussion. If Hillary had won the election and it came to light that 45 had colluded with Russians, we would still be treating it as the serious issue it is. If the 3rd string quarterback for a football team who doesn’t see any playing time gets popped for steroids, the NFL

I see the Pacific cycle of names has Estelle and Frank back-to-back, both of which happen to be Costanzas in Seinfeld.

LA, NYC, Chicago...