
I got a TVR tail light story for ya.

Do I win the most jalop?

My Baja does indeed have manual steering, which is way heavier at parking speeds than the Alfa. The Baja also has the engine behind the driver, but the VW is way louder and taller and creakier and worse-er than the Alfa. I don’t have to dodge potholes in the Bug, though.

My Candy White MK5 thanks you for the compliment, but is currently seeing someone.

The GTI in white is oh-so sexy.

OMG, were they running the circuit backwards?

I don’t even want to talk about the time and money that went into achieving that look.

She must have wrecked too, her pants are completely shredded, at least she was able to walk away.

My niece drove a black Gallardo there in January. In both pictures she has a helmet. The instructor isn’t wearing one. Not sure if that is the norm.

while humans don't make a huge amount of horse power, They do make a metric shit tonne of torque relative to their power out put. Athletes can put out about a hp for a limited time, but if you put a human on a bike, they can put out a couple hundred foot pounds of torque, at the crank

it's impossible to understate how poorly this stuff reflects on the US to outsiders. a while ago I had someone from Kenya ask me about all the cop shootings going on back home, saying how horrible it is. you know things are bad when someone from Kenya shows you sympathy for shit happening in your home country.

Alpina/Brabus are just modifying/swapping the engines and maybe adding a body kit. They are not reskinning the car into a design that apparently uses trademarked IP all while allegedly lying about what base car is being modified.

Counterpoint, re: Mini. Toggle switches (albeit fake). The best buttons ever put in a mass-production car.

It had massive sills that were always a pain to traverse just to get in the car, the control switches required the use of the Rosetta Stone just to know what the hell they were for, and Lotus somehow managed to ignore a centuries-old lesson about the basics of finger grip to produce the Most Frustratingly Slippery

Where you park your G Wagen...