Suggested By: Takuro [■][■]XXX\ ▼ /XXX[■][■], Photo Credit: Chrysler
Suggested By: Takuro [■][■]XXX\ ▼ /XXX[■][■], Photo Credit: Chrysler
Christian von Koenigsegg is one of the most inventive and creative automaker chiefs of all time. Just eight…
I'm on record here for ruthlessly defending the 918 as the superior car, but curious....tell me why you feel that way. Design? Because even firmly favoring the 918, I cannot deny that the P1 is an engineering masterpiece.
No title sponsors in the alternate universe either, huh?
The effect seems to vary with paint color. Some look like nothing more than creases. Others show the slight bulge more. Regardless, it was a tongue in cheek response to Porsche is envious of Merc. Merc is envious of BMW. Etc., etc.
Something something dealers exist to protect consumers their own interests something something
The "things" I was referring to are these Koeniggwhatevers.
Had this in a 2012 VW. A white rectangular speed limit sign would pop up in the display for whatever road I was on if the information was available for that stretch of road based on GPS.
Constantly developing new iterations identical looking supercars has turned some of these things into Madden for me.
The best track day I ever had was during a huge snowstorm at Summit Point. It was the car control clinic to end all car control clinics. Second to that is any rain day at MSR Cresson - that place turns into ice when it's wet.
Great piece, a really good job describing the fun, anxiety, and overall experience those of us who race at this level feel. I can tell you I started as an 18 year old in 1972 and after all these years nothing changes for me. I have a lot of 924 and 944 experience so I've endured the weaknesses. For me head gaskets and…
Thanks for an honest writeup. The loudest voices in car forums seem to be the characters who all seem to think they're F1 gods. They wouldn't have this car because it's too slow. They wouldn't have that car because there's too much torque steer. Their actual personal experience seems to be goosing a Camaro on the…
Congrats, Stef & Team Porchelump!