I grew up on old dairy cow. Blech. They do NOT taste better.
I grew up on old dairy cow. Blech. They do NOT taste better.
Ha, no but something else equally horrible would have skid stained the last two years.
Just another calculator that tells me I’m fine unless the market underperforms, which it does about 50% of the time. In that scenario, I’m screwed.
Aren’t all the bans temporary?
We do that in my house as I handle 100% of modern finances, 90% of total finances. Spouse handles the archaic crap. It leads to zero fighting. Bills that need to be physically paid are basically mandatory. Property taxes, water, sewer and trash. What’s to fight about?
So is Trump pro-union?
He would say this after winning NY. Erie County, NY voters would’ve voted a lot differently.
I get 50 mpg in my Cruz Diesel all summer long. It’s a far superior car to the gas version. They insulated the crap out of it, for starters.
Thanks for that VW.
No wagon, but Chevrolet makes a diesel.
Are student loan interest rates so bad that this makes sense? Would it make more sense to maximize a roth ira first?
Beats me. It seems too expensive for a single room and not quite expensive enough for a total change. I paid $1200 for a 200 amp service and $25 a box w/ the walls open. I drilled the holes for chase, nailed in the boxes and put on the covers myself.
Do people use PVC for supply these days? Pex. Pex. Pex.
What took so long, seriously. Also, the big difference between iOS and Android was how easy it was on iOS to automatically download podcasts on wifi as they became available.
No, I don’t.
I dont see it.
What sidewalk?
Not NY. Walk away. Running can be used as reasonable suspicion. I suppose jogging might be able to be as well, if the cop lies?
Technically you only have to walk on the sidewalk if possible. I would argue it is not an unimportant distinction. Uneven sidewalks are mostly safe for walking but terrifying for running.
257.655 Pedestrians on highways; violation as civil infraction.
Yeah my opinion hasn’t changed. I support oversight I typically ascribe to the perfect information theory. I just believe the internet has shown us that ALL information does not equal PERFECT information. I am pro meaningful labels, particularly ones that consolidate meaning. I don’t mind “organic certified”, even if…