
Yeah? I should have kids? I’m in my mid 30s, unmarried, don’t own a home, and I’m still paying off extensive student loans. You fuckers have made it impossible for this generation to afford anything, and yet you think we should procreate so we can, what, have a new generation of struggling poors?

So like ... can I have maternity leave? Affordable prenatal care? Any treatment for my battered lady-bits after birth? Help with childcare? (My parents live very, very far away and I really like what I do for a living.) Will my daughters be able to get jobs where they won’t be harassed by their employers, or is their

The way white conservative women are protected from every perceived insult, even from other white women, is unreal. Let me know when conservatives apologize for comparing Michelle Obama to a monkey or calling Muslim women diaper heads. Until that happens, Sarah can expect a few jokes at her expense.

What are the future Roy Moores going to molest if there aren’t any babies being born? She has a vested interest in this.

I keep waiting for some epic curtain reveal where Republicans have to look down at their blood soaked hands and go, “Oh wait? We’re really forcing women into dangerous DIY abortions just to save a dime-sized cluster of cells while our elected officials sexually assault our children?”

I would have lost my job, for sure. My god, I don’t know how Harlow kept it together. She is a better person than I am.

So, the platform of pro-lifers is to basically call for saving unborn babies so they can slightly grow up to be molested as children and then eventually fully grow up to be killed as soldiers. Got it.

Wow. So they think that Democrats want to kill unborn babies, willy-nilly, up to a second before birth?? I guess this explains why they’d rather have Moore, because its either a child rapist or a baby killer.

I, for one, would like to know where all these people spending money on “women” are, and how I can get them to spend money on me.

I’m not completely convinced the Mayans weren’t right and 2012 is when the world ended and now we’re all just fucked.

Generalizing is never helpful, but also...

Yep. I live in the area but in the neighboring district. I wouldn’t want to drive up 28 at all for a job unless I had too. I remember when it was a 2 lane road from Manassas all the way to Dulles Airport. A wall of pine trees all the way. Even at 4 lanes wide each side, all the tech companies and Gov’t contractors

That guy on the right is all of America.

There is so much stupid I don’t even know where to start, but let’s try anyway.

A trans woman defeating the guy who tried to pass a bathroom bill is the kind of poetic justice we need.

I live in the DC burbs (on the MD side), and that ad about sanctuary cities being havens for MS-13 makes me want to throw things at my TV on the daily. (Well, multiple times a day when I watch TV, because #electionseason.) It’s so fucking irresponsible. And horrendous. And wrong.

The governor’s race in Virginia, a crucial election that was expected to be a shoo-in for Democrats

I’m super excited to vote for her!

I think DJTJr vastly over-estimates the value of the Harvey Weinstein story as fodder for late-night TV. What exactly would an SNL skewering of Harvey Weinstein look like? While the guy has some name recognition, it’s not like he’s a visible cultural icon. If you were to poll the country, I would guess that 75% of

I went to a high school in a really, really wealthy suburb (my family was really, really unwealthy), and there was a type of rich boy, all of them trust fund brats, sort of the Midwestern, North Shore equivalent of Diaper Don. They all had expensive cars and shitty attitudes. When I was young, I hated and feared them.