Also I had people over at my place for a party. What am I supposed to do, in the middle of the 3rd quarter ask if they want to watch the Netflix Fyre Festival documentary instead?
Also I had people over at my place for a party. What am I supposed to do, in the middle of the 3rd quarter ask if they want to watch the Netflix Fyre Festival documentary instead?
What time does “What time does Super Bowl coverage stop?” start?
A coach who actually knew what the fuck he was doing out there would have pulled him at halftime for Tua Tagovailoa. It was really a no-brainer.
Did someone say Chuck E Cheese
“27 year old writes news”
I don’t disagree at all. I’m just saying I don’t think it should be shocking that he got fired for doing it. It’s the local news, which is not exactly known for a sarcastic sense of humor.
Kisses Son with an Open Mouth
So you didn’t get the feeling that this came down from CBS corporate or anything?
I dunno, I feel like it’s not THAT crazy he got fired for doing this. Don’t get me wrong, I find it to be hilarious. But at the same time, it is objectively unprofessional and shows bias (even if it is about sports).
Honestly, UGG Salesman probably would not have gotten him fired, and would have been pretty exceptional.
Recipient of Largest NFL Punishment for on-the-field cheating
Noted Pliability Expert
Dropped Key Pass
I’m a long time Pats season ticket holder. That’s flat out hysterical and the guy should get a raise for building awareness to his station.
Agile Faller
Former Michigan Backup
I’m a Patriots fan and firing this kid was a gross overreaction in my opinion
I wish I could rewind/replay and see the different reactions for a dozen different chyrons.
What a great memory for them, and what a great eventual loss of memory for their son.