
I called before the season and they gave it to me for no charge because I had been with directv for two and a half years. They gave me the red zone too.

Holy shit, if the south would have won is the craziest song I’ve ever heard.

The police officer heard the National Anthem and decided to take a knee on his back.

I’d be my dog scooter for a day. A basset hound that roams the neighborhood and looks for ways to steal food. He’s got a good life.

Somewhere Jon Lester is nervous about having to throw a pick off to first.

Catcher calls for the pitch away. Throws inside instead.

What Joel really meant was that the church is already used as a tax shelter. He couldn’t possibly offer up anymore space as he is already stocked up.

If you do stay at the Lakewood church, the collection plate will be passed around right before bedtime. Have your wallets ready and you’ll be rewarded.

Thanks. I’m about three years on Kinja and I can’t seem to get a follow.

How does one get out of greys?

Can you please help me get out of the greys?

Nice response. Only one problem with that. He wasn’t a teacher, he was a coach. He wouldn’t be in this database you speak of.

I agree and I liked the fact that Jon told the truth. Because Cersi knows that the Starks are always true to their words. She knows he won’t lie and uses this to ask him that question. I think it shows how smart Cersi is to see their hand.

No, I am not. But this guy managed to get hired at two schools with no problem.

It’s probably a little more difficult to vet something like a coach. It’s an easy response really. “Well I’ve been in gymnastics my whole life and I’ve had the opportunity to be apart of the Denver Broncos cheer team as well as helping to coach many individuals for olympic trials. I’d like to give high school

Is it possible that Mr. Williams didn’t list his former employer on his resume? I don’t think anyone has ever omitted something on their resume before.

Damn, Pedro was involved in a lot of brawls! I love the two pitchers going at it.

I remember this one and to this day I always think to myself why don’t more guys use that helmet as a weapon. If I just got hit with 95 MPH baseball in my back I’m going to chuck that helmet at you.

There was a lot of Roid Rage in that mix up!

Still my favorite.