That’s totally fair. If a writer wants to criticize a game for not featuring gender representation, that’s totally fine. That’s valuable journalism, and it helps you make the informed choice I discussed in my original post.
That’s totally fair. If a writer wants to criticize a game for not featuring gender representation, that’s totally fine. That’s valuable journalism, and it helps you make the informed choice I discussed in my original post.
“I left a series of Xbox Series X boxes at my serious ex’s (Sirius) boxing series one time.”
That’s a real sentence now, thanks to microsoft.
NYC people should keep pizza opinions to themselves, because nowhere else is NYC when it comes to pizza and you should stop shoving our faces in it, intentionally or otherwise. You’re all even aware of this, because every time I’ve ever heard/seen someone from NYC comment about pizza it comes with a “Maybe it’s…
Even before Kaepernick, Nike Basketball and Jordan Brand were considered distinct companies under the same corporate umbrella - at least publicly.
Momma West looked 30 years un-aged? They have great skin-care in the future.
“Just remember, if you die on your solo mission against the entire enemy team, it’s your healer’s fault.”
I wanted to watch it at 12:30 AM, not 9 PM
Except that came from Jamil herself. In interview on this very web site, she said her main contribution to character was to make her “more English” (which she equated with being more passive-aggressive.) Why, it almost as if “British” and “white” not equivalent terms, and someone can be representative of country they…
Ever notice how it’s only (ahem) certain people who, when feeling culturally “threatened” or offended, start talking about a “race war”...?
So your only point is that you can’t get youtube red?
And on that point I agree. White people never look good trying to tell others how they should handle not being white.
It drives me up the wall. I had things like reduced lunch as a kid, and now, guess what? I am a college-educated citizen with a job, who pays taxes, contributes to society, and serves in the military. You know what would have made all that impossible? Not being able to think in school because I was so hungry. So for…
Heh. Well, it's an important topic to me because of my family's issues with mental health. Being a dick about it would be easy and cheap and lame and would make anything else I posted here in this thread pretty easy to ignore.
Of course the Niners are stupid, Drew. It takes a special kind of stupid to let seven eat you.
I'm black. I'm never surprised by shit most white people do.
Reporter: So what do you think about WAR?
I wish they'd had some time to put in some packages using both Cassel and Bridgewater. Although they probably wouldn't have worked very well with Ryan Moats now out of the league.
I see your point, the looters absolutely have a role but their actions don't require nightly tear gas if their actions occured days ago. The kicker, no matter how you slice it is the officer shooting Brown in a residential neighborhood in broad daylight and leaving him there. Period. America is a racist place that…
How about just limiting burners to text-only posts? that would preserve the dream of juicy anonymous tidbits coming in through kinja and it's not really too much to ask people to register an account if they want to post their Simpsons gifs or whatever