
I second this.  This is such a thing that old southern white ladies talk about.  I think it’s somehow romanticized.  My grandmother told me the same, that we’re part Native American, though I have never checked and strongly suspect otherwise.  But, for a long time I believed it.  Because my grandmother told me.

On the Native American front: So many (outside of Native communities themselves) who are outraged over this are just not aware of how common this is where she grew up. If I had a dime for every “1/16" or “1/32" native who’s car was covered in “native pride” shit that I ran into in OK, I would be one rich bitch.


As the parent of a 16-yr-old trans boy, I can tell you that it is a struggle, and a huge adjustment, and it can totally disrupt your entire family dynamic. But look, that’s what you sign on for when you become a parent, period.

My kid came out to me, and only me, many years ago, and only started to come out to other

When interviewed after the game Dravecky said that he would be willing to “give my left arm” to get that play back.

On paper, they would not be the favorite versus either of the A.L. teams. But given that this is postseason baseball and weirder things have happened before, there’s no ruling anything out. They’re hot enough with good enough starting pitching that they certainly have a fighting chance; here’s hoping. 

I am decidedly not a Hillary fan, but this is a very uncharitable take on what she has said here. 

Also, while there’s support for parents of trans kids now, there really wasn’t until recently. It is significantly more gutsy to support your child when there’s no external support for either of you, no roadmap or published guidelines, no one to talk to about it, etc.

Also, on the “gutsy” front, I am going to assume this writer is not a parent. I don’t have the details from the anecdote in question, but if one of Hillary’s friends is talking about her young child, I’m going to take “a few years ago” to mean in the 1990s when HC herself had a young child. At that time (or even

So, she reveals that she supports trans people and that she’s learning and trying to better herself on a topic and human condition that she wasn’t familiar with for most of her life. And the takeaway here is that that’s “not pretty”? The purity tests are unreal.

What on earth. This woman can’t do anything right. I’m sorry her honesty is not pretty enough for you. (pretty enough!!!!! How did you end this piece saying that!) 

But is it too much to ask for one of the two back-ups (pitcher and 1B) who were directly in line with the overthrow to pick it up before it gets to the catcher who had to leave home plate? What was the 1B looking at?

A hundred percent that was a ball there.

I think you misunderstood what I was saying, but it was a bad take anyway and I accept the L. 

Yeah that’s... I mean technically not incorrect, but you’re not eating pasture-reared most of the time unless you’re spending big bucks and eating it comparatively infrequently. (Which, great. If we’re gonna eat meat, we should aspire to that. But that’s not the usual for now.) All that stuff’s gotta be supplemented

Lol yes... Thank you. Didn’t think I had to point out that most animals slaughtered for food in the US are *most definitely* grain-fed and supplemented.

If you're really worried about vitamin/mineral deficiencies, speak to your doctor. Regardless of your diet, there may be underlying medical issues. 

You think the animals you eat get to be in pastures? They're kept in factory farms and feed soy and grains. Many never see sunlight in their entire lives

Let me get this straight, you (and apparently the beef industry) are afraid that beef is going to be taken down by the veggie burger industry? It isn’t going to happen. Not only is your preferred source of protien and vitamins going to be freely available for the foreseeable future, it just is not going to disappear.

It’s not. Many of these “meat-free” items have surprisingly high salt contents. The main thing to them is that they still taste good or effectively the same as meat-based products with substantially less environmental impact.