
This shit doesn’t just smell fishy, it smells like a goddamn cannery. In one fell swoop, the Dallas PD gets to murder a key witness, set up a potential retrial for Killer Becky with the Elmer Fudd face and paint negroes as stupid.

To be fair Blair’s awfulness isn’t just limited to the Iraq War. There are lots of reasons for a generally progressive person to be profoundly disappointed with his domestic policies as well. 

This is likely the biggest mistake I’ve ever made on Kinja, but god help me, here I go.

Are we cancelling Michelle Obama too?

I’m an engineer and when I seal documents it looks more like an EKG than a signature. There's hints of my initials and the rest is just jagged lines. 

If you believe that what you did was right, at the time, based on what you knew, you should have no trouble explaining it to Congress.

I’d move Senate to left tackle and Supremes to right tackle, tbh.

Only people obsessed with legitimacy of the outcome of the 2016 election would be protesting this passionately. I hate Trump as much as anybody, but if he had gotten a frickin’ grip and acted like a regular President, and refrained from immediately selling our country down the river, i would have put up with him for 4

Not even close to that. This reads like the Con Law exam answer written by a 1L that only got into law school because his dad is a legacy and is a senior partner at a big law firm that routinely donates to the school and never studied. It is that bad.

This reads like a second-year associate's objections to form interrogatories. This guy is really bottom of the barrel. 

I’m just saying, I don’t remember California bordering Mexico before OBAMA became president!

I know the liberal PC police SJWswill attack me here, but I personally won’t vote for a candidate who refuses to do something about California bordering Mexico. That shit is just unacceptable. Make Ohio do it.

“I COULD end homesless but I think the real issue is paying terrible, entitled college kids, taking away money from real school programs and making sure all 55,000 genders can use every room as a bathroom.” Gavin Newsom (literally every morning)

Also, the idea that a governor can just end homelessness with the flourish of his quill is patently absurd.

What if I told you they’d been in the Sweet 16 or better since 2014? OR What if I told you it was the name of a fictional moon colony in a L Ron Hubbard book? Both could be completely legitimate and we’ll never know if either is.

Shut up, tomato.

Can someone at Splinter please explain why the holy fuckballs you always have Tomato ungrayed? His tedious trolling bullshit is long-term harmful to every political ideal you authors here otherwise promote.

I hate how casually a lot of celebrities throw around the word “friend”

...were you not aware that you must be furious—and be seen to be furious—at all times?

It’s really more about the performance of the fury than the fury itself.

There’s no denying GWB presided over a number of war crimes during his time in office. There’s no denying that his decisions, actions, and policy positions

According to Splinter, if Ellen didn’t stab Bush Jr. through the eye, she is worse than Hitler.