
With them making the House of Horros non-title I think Bray is winning. Because if he loses, that character is simply dead.

Hopefully this just means he'll get a push in the CW division, where he should have been in the first place.

I really want a Revival/Sheasaro feud for the titles. Those can be some awesome matches. I think Sheasaro is winning on Sunday, while they start building up the Broken Hardys

He should really come back as a face. It kinda seemed like he was acting more face-ish before injury

They're basically in a holding pattern till after Payback since it's too early to build to Backlash. Smackdown always kinda suffered a bit when they had too much time to kill. It's just been more noticeable now right after the shakeup.

The Bollywood Boys were probably the greenest guys in the CWC, and from their couple of tag matches in NXT it doesn't look like they got much better. I guess they have potential but this is a pretty quick call up.

I'm gonna assume she couldn't make the show for whatever reason. There's no way they would make her the only woman on the roster who didn't appear last night.

They've actually been getting pretty good reactions lately and it seems like most of the crowd sticks around now for it, but that crowd was pretty dead all night.

I'm not a Jinder fan by any means, but it's something different and out of left field so I'm willing to give it a chance and have faith in the SD writers to make something good out of it.

I also really liked his gloating while he was basically hiding behind Neville

They're definitely keeping the Broken Matt stuff on the backburner till they can use it. He was slipping in and out of the accent during the promo and he still looks pretty deranged half the time (just look at his pic they use in match previews). I'm guessing once they lose the tag titles (hopefully to Revival once

I'm seriously excited about that feud. When's the last time Lesnar went up against a credible monster? Strowman's definitely not beating him but they're gonna have to make him look really strong in defeat.

I think the fact that Ambrose still has the IC title means he's staying on Smackdown. Unless they swap him for Owens and the US title. But really why wasn't the street fight a title match?

Pretty sure he said he trained WITH Dillinger

Even if the crowd kinda started shitting on it after DIY got eliminated, I don't think the tag match went off the rails or anything. It was still really good, it just lost the fun of the DIY/Revival teamup. Also, from a story perspective it kinda made sense to have Revival be last as they kept avoiding AOP in the

I'm assuming there'll be a ref bump or something so that Shane will have time to go crazy and jump off of stuff. From pics it looks like the WM ramp is pretty damn high…

It got non-PG pretty quickly

Plus another 20 minute Rock promo. Hopefully with more flamethrower!

I think Miz/Maryse are going over after that promo. Have them win cheaply, then get beaten down by Cena and Nikki and you can still do the proposal after.

Last Review probably means he gets asked literally, "What's it like to do a final review?"