
It's funny because there were rumors months ago of how Vince was really high on Breezango. I think he actually loves them because they're great at his brand of comedy.

I love how Aries is basically a default face since he's facing a heel and the crowd loves him,but he still acts like a dick.

I hated the idea at first, but you still gotta hand it to Breeze and Fandango for really selling even the silliest ideas and actually getting it over with the crowd. He had them chanting Breezy Bella.

Mauro is bipolar and has been known to have some episodes. Not sure if that's what's going on but hope he's alright.

Birbiglia's is great

Love that movie. And he basically plays a version of himself

Also, I'm digging Mojo's new not-as-hyped personality. That was a really good short promo he had. Shows promise that he can eventually become a big deal.

Sidenote about 205 Live - I like that they're keeping Aries as kind of an asshole, just now pointed at heels. He's too over with the crowd so making him a face against Neville is probably a good call.

I want Harper

I'm wondering if they give Corbin the IC title before Mania during the big Smackdown that's bound to happen before WM. Then have the IC ladder match which has become pretty standard the past few years. Unless they give it to the cruisers this year.

There was a pretty hilarious moment where Alexa was going on with excuses and said she was upset about the Patriots losing, then realized she fucked up and Bryan started ripping her, and kinda became a running joke for the night.

Shane is too laid back for Talking Smack. Not a good fit at all and it seems like he knows it himself, so I'm guessing someone is making him do it for whatever reason. Don't know why they can't just put JBL there, who was also good, or rotate different co-hosts… JBL, Miz, Graves (he's there for 205 live anyways),

Mustafa Ali is so good. I see him becoming a big player in the cruiserweight division in the near future.

There are rumors that it will be AJ vs. Shane at Wrestlemania. I thought that was totally ridiculous but then with that opening promo it sure looks like they're planting seeds for it. While there is a chance it can turn into a good match (like Angle/Shane) it just seems like a waste for AJ. Hope they don't actually go

It sounded like a pretty big pop to me, and the "you suck" is basically out of love now, even Angle approved of it when he turned face. Kinda like what "john cena suuuuucks" is turning into.

They really need to do away with the purple ring ropes and different lighting for the cruiserweights. It makes it seem like they are basically an intermission before we get back to the regular Raw action. Just keep that stuff for 205 Live.

It felt so good hearing those "You Suck" chants again last night. Can't wait till he's back on WWE TV. I doubt he'll be wrestling but him managing American Alpha, or even becoming GM of Raw once Foley leaves would be great.

Never heard of any of the wrestlers involved and the first round didn't have too many memorable matches but once they got into semifinals it got really good. Pete Dunne is so good and a great heel and I want him in WWE/NXT immediately. Best match was Dunne/Andrews. Also need a Tyler Bate/Gallagher match now.

Definitely. His songs were the standouts of those albums