
did Trump change anyone’s life in a meaningful way”

I think the kids locked in cages and the people who lost family to Covid found it pretty fucking meaningful. He also undermined our elections and attempted to overthrow the government, which to quote Joe Biden is “A Big Fucking Deal”. I could go on but I’m sick of the fucker. Do not minimize the fucker, shit was not

Palm Springs, anyone?

In my estimation, the montage scene from Palm Springs is better than anything else on this list. It’s also the best movie I saw this year, or at least the most entertaining. 

If you don’t know who the Rothschilds are look them up. They’re a boogeyman for anti-Jews. So by saying fuck ‘em what are you actually saying?

can’t sell, and can’t work the mic.” I fundamentally disagree with this. 

Thank you. That film is so unique and so effective at delivering on what it sets out to do. Story, acting, effects, cinematography are all amazing. Danny Aiello as a blustery guardian angel?  Hell yeah!

“Trippy brio” is the most they can say about the original? That’s overly dismissive. I mean fine, I’ll accept it was not a full-on masterpiece, but certainly one hell of a distinctive and unsettling psychological thriller that kept you guessing until the very end. I’d call it half-remembered only among people who

The movie was an exploration of mental illness and how it is perceived and experienced from inside the mind of one with it, and how it is perceived and experienced from those seeing someone with it.

Joker is a grimy, unpleasant movie that shamelessly apes better movies, isn’t as nihilistically insightful as it wants everyone to think it is and only has what cultural cache it’s managed to accrue due to shamelessly plundering from much superior comic books it simultaneously seems to think it towers above.

“How did we spend so much time talking about this one(Joker)?”

Yeah it even got a “B” in the AV club review. I liked it fine, it wasn’t as much of a “statement” as some of the buzz cracked it up to be, but it had some very good moments and Phoenix was incredible, DeNiro was pretty solid too. I think the director pissed a lot of people off with some of his asshole comments on

The backlash to Joker is insane to me. Was it one of the best of the year? No. Was it among the worst? NO! Joaquin Phoenix alone elevates it beyond any worst of lists.

Its anger is an impotent, irrelevant anger, the rage of a tween.

Spending the months leading up to Joker’s release anticipating how bad it will be and then putting it on the worst of the year list for not living down to your expectations is pretty much Peak 2019 AV Club.

Okay, sure.

Dollhouse gets pretty good once you push through the first six or so episodes and the writers start thinking through their premise.

Nothing will excite the middle. That’s why they are the middle, because they don’t give enough of a shit about anything to get worked up about it. The most you can do is comfort them that we will return to “normal,” (i.e. before Trump) and no one else wants that.

Carly Rae Jepsen was robbed, honestly