
yeah its a bummer to live that far north - ever worse for Alaskans and Canadians - Canada does not observe Time Changes nor does Europe and it seems to be fine everywhere else. 

“most” people? How do you figure?

Actually I am not against Pedestrians, far from it. I ride an eBike to take my kids to school and walk as much as Ican. I have to cross a few streets in crosswalks to get from one end of my work campus to the other on a daily basis.

It would not be dark when I take them to school.

yes, walking. not running. How many of these injuries and deaths are from people running across the road to beat traffic? Running off the curb into a crosswalk? Jay walking in front of traffic with headphones in or staring at their phones?

There are variations to the situations for sure, variances in the streets and intersections and differences between states. That is why I would like more details on each instance of what is being reported as a Pedestrian Injury or Death.


You are correct. I know for a fact it applies in California, the State with the largest number of Automobiles in the Nation.

In California and many other states people who are not Walking on a Sidewalk or in a Cross Walk are NOT Legally Pedestrians. So any injuries or deaths where a person is killed or injured and they are not walking on the sidewalk or in a cross walk does not count as a Pedestrian Death or Injury.

Pedestrians are legally humans that are walking on a Sidewalk or in a Crosswalk.

yeah, that is really scary and one more thing to consider if you are in the Market for a used EV....

Prius when it is going more than 80mph on the freeway. You buy a car designed around good gas mileage and then you push the limits of the ICE engine in it at speed on the freeway defeating the purpose of good gas mileage.

I believe we will see something like that very soon.

In California more and more utility lines are being placed in the ground and in the cases of long distance string over a canyon type lines the poles are increasingly being made out of steel or concrete.

I have been watching the Used Heavy Duty Truck Market for over a year now and just in the last week I am finally seeing some truck listed without having a stupid high price and others dropping their prices. While this is bad news for me getting top dollar for my old truck, it is good for my purchasing prospects.

ouch, if you are speccing a Gas car that only gets 20mpg that is a big part of the problem with the numbers you are generating.

For sure the equation will depend on a lot of factors. People who drive high mileage and plan to lease for 5 years are very different from others who plan to trade in a car every 3 years or those who plan to keep a car 15 years.

It is really just a copy of what GM already tried with the Volt - but now the masses have a better understanding of how this tech works. The Volt was ahead of it’s time for sure and was not marketed correctly.

Your estimates for how much it costs to repair an older ICE vehicle might be related to your own experience with your Honda - but that is not the case for all vehicles. I have a 2007 Chevy Silverado with 208k miles on it. It has been paid off for a number of years and costs me very little annually to maintain.

Your math is a bit off there since you are making assumptions the Hybrid battery WILL fail and the EV battery WILL NOT fail. Please take those sorts of hypotheticals out of the equation to be more accurate.