
I guess one could supposed he turned into Darth Vader and was redeemed without dying and thus became Anakin again, but still needed the life support and really liked the outfit so he just changed to a white knight motif?

That all white Darth Vader minfig is awesome.

everyone has different financial needs and just because it is not how you would do things does not automatically make it a poor financial decision. I have purchased multiple vehicles over the past 30 years - some I paid cash for, but most of them I did 100% financing on used vehicles and paid them off early. But when

Anecdotal for sure - but in my experience the reading on my Suburban is pretty much in line with what my phone is getting from the weather service apps for the local I am in.

Strongly disagree. When I was young (early twenties) I had a vehicle get salvaged by my insurance and I was upside down on it. I had no GAP coverage and paid more than $200 out of pocket. I learned a hard lesson about vehicle depreciation.

The last time I bought it the cost was $200 one time fee.

The last time I bought GAP Insurance it was $200 one time fee.

This repeated posting about how Big Vehicles hurt worse when they strike people, cyclists, pedestrians, Jay Walkers, etc is pointless.

Check eBay - they are worth quite a bit of money these days.

Those are cool - but have you heard of Stompers?

Tesla is the same thing, a software company that makes cars.

Always buy GAP insurance when financing an Automobile.

I will be curious to hear what happens to the left over stock. Fisker took over an old BMW Dealership near my house (that used to be a circuit city for those wanting a chuckle from the past). Last month they had about 20-30 cars on the lot. I drove by a few days ago and there are only like 4 visible from the freeway -

This is prime to be a Hot Wheels Zamac

This could be an opportunity for Vimeo to start paying content creators or for some other service to come and really challange youtube. Many of those who use youtube as a revenue stream are already disillusioned with how youtube has been squeezing and changing things that are not good for the content creators.

I would not say “lucky me” - my wife and I had been home shopping for a few years leading up to the recession. The agents we were working with put high pressure on us to just buy a house with an ARM at higher than we could afford because “the market is trending up and you can just sell or re-fi in a year”.

In March of 2008 the recession was in full swing and we purchased a home that was owned by the bank and had been empty for months. While the value did decline into 2009 - due to our purchase price and the fact that we did not have an adjustable rate it did not impact us at all. The home is now valued at more than

I actually did have that happen to me once. Then I learned about GAP insurance and made sure to purchase it with every vehicle I bought after that.

I have never put a down payment on any vehicle I have ever purchased. I also did not put a down payment on my home.

For those who do not know, the 4.3l v6 is essentially the tried and true Chevy 350 (5.7) v8 with two cylinders lopped off. It is an extremely robust and reliable engine - but it is not good on fuel.