
Tell me again how it is that Kotaku’s staff reconciles its constant bitching about the objectification of women in videogames while promoting this shit?

When Trump announced the ban, he said he’d made the decision “in consultation with my Generals,” an assertion which now begs the question: And which generals might those be?

Burned my 290 Multitool to buff my Nameless Midnight. Fight me.

Okay (now that’s how you answer a volatile answer)

Awesome game and 20 bucks is a great price. I still can’t believe EA released this along with Battlefield 1.

Awesome game and 20 bucks is a great price. I still can’t believe EA released this along with Battlefield 1.

And, Jesus is literally the most popular recipient of the death penalty of all time.

Imagine being so excited for people to die that you schedule 8 of them to be executed over a short period of time. Just imagine it.

I general lee turn it of

And dozens of people were thrilled.

I think the best thing would be if it was console exclusive.

omg keep politics out of my videogames. i thought this was Kotaku not My Vag Hurts Weekly. why isnt hillary clinton in a costume? male lives matter too. we are figuratively dying over here