
Warframe is that game that just keeps getting better and better, that’s been around since launch, which nobody is getting because it’s for free - assuming that it’s shit or pay-to-play - when it’s actually the exact opposite and one of the best action-grinds on PS Store. I keep coming back again and again and it never

Thanks for showing this, it looks really promising. I liked BF1 but loved 3 and 4, so if this is any closer to those two that’s just something good. Look at all those nice details. Wow. Can’t wait to get a feel for the gunplay.

... Wait, execution by an AA gun? For falling asleep during a meeting?

When will they get it? Get us a remake of LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga in 4K and keep it simple.

My plumber only charges me for mushrooms and stars. I gave him a flower once, but then he got all fiery.

I love Simons art, I got a calendar a few years back and I’ve kept it, the art is awesome. Although design alone doesn’t make a good game, and us Swedes tend to forget that, there’s often something missing. It looks great, but got no soul, no feel, no drive. I can namedrop a few, but I’m sure you can come up with some

If you’re ‘that guy’ who’s always (ALWAYS) online on your friends-list you’re probably in for it sooner or later. Excessiveness in any hobby usually is a comfort zone or a facade for something else - like getting away from life. People are stressed out nowadays, and keep forgetting about the benefits of talking,

Hit the gym or take long walks regularly, try and be aware of what you eat and what it really is that you’re eating, get eight hours of sleep every night, don’t find excuses for not having a real life.

You might want to correct your correction, she definitely did not go missing in August 2018 either.

Wow, a would-be-Swedish character that actually seems/sounds 100% Swedish. I’m going to go test her out right now!

That’s quite the upgrade, I mean remembering how you had probably like 4 or 8 MB RAM in the 386, and how big of a deal it was when Torins Passage and Phantasmagoria recommended like 8 to 16 MB at the Pentium shift, and nowadays kids squeal about Terabytes and custom builds and whatnot. Back in the nineties the

Here’s my semi-experienced thoughts (I’ve played for a couple of years, took a break with Destiny basically, I’m at MR17 currently)

“Humans. Urrrgh.”

Mega Man set the bar for action “platformers” back in the early 90:s and it’s all nostalgia, really. I still think though that Mega Man 2, for example, still holds its ground as a solid game. Not many retro games aged that well. I’ve been secretly hoping they’d release a HD version of Mega Man 2 or X for ages now, but

I use Nameless Midnight. I infused my MIDA into it, just minutes after completion. MIDA is MIDA, and MIDA is boring.


The norse mythology was rather ahead of it’s time, compared to christianity, women were acknowledged and there’s a good lot of women being depicted as ‘strong women’. Surely inspiring the common woman to carry her own defence if she would. There is a slight little detail though, and that is that vikings mainly were

Besides the utterly rad music, did anyone notice the ghettoperson, the chinagurl and the human being? It’s so nice of them to acknowledge that all people are equal and that girls can play too. And I can’t wait to play the game and execute all those cool moves that are shown in that trailer. It’s a really good and

Destiny is the best worst game I’ve ever played. It’s like the perfect game which can’t exist, but still do, and that you wish would get perfect but never really does - but you still go back even though you know it. Its got a lot in common with a wifebeater.

“It’ll be huge, I’m telling you; it’ll be the best boat you’ve ever seen. It’s amazing what these guys can do, and there’ll be planes and stuff on it, and rockets and other cool stuff. In my meetings with Kim, great meetings, absolutely great meetings, we’ve received ‘tactical pointers’ that I’ve ensured that we’ve