Hi. Just wanted to remind the readers that Iggy Azaelea is a well known, actual prostitute. Prostitution is an honourable profession, and prostitutes deserve profound respect. They service the community in the most visceral way possible.
Hi. Just wanted to remind the readers that Iggy Azaelea is a well known, actual prostitute. Prostitution is an honourable profession, and prostitutes deserve profound respect. They service the community in the most visceral way possible.
Little in the middle but baby got back.
You’re not real good at English, are you? A colonoscopy is an exploratory procedure. I think you were trying to describe a deep colon enema. You are a fool, and should stop writing stuff online until you master the language.
Do you cross the 110? I think that’s the horizontal one above Figueroa, right? How’s next Friday at 4pm? I’m sure TG has a bar, I’ll be the dude who looks like Gollum. Hot date?
Thanks, empath.
Hand computer stuff. Gotcha. Thanks for the info, stranger.
Correct response.
Would you have preferred the more descriptive ‘go fuck yourself’?
Kalamata or Castelvetrano? There’s this new place TomGeorge, appaz happy from 3-7.
Define ‘okay’.
Bitch, please. I’m a clothing designer, and I design entirely custom for famous people. If I had a dollar for every knockoff I’d be loaded. But I’m not. That is what art is. You put it out into the world, and you hope it takes flight. Fuck off, office worker. If you care about money, you’re doing art wrong.
I dunno what plex is but ok.
Oh, fuck off. If you support the arts, buy a blowjob from a hooker in a colourful ensemble. You idiot. Let Unilever pay for that shit.
Oh fool! How could I not recognise that was strawberry, not blonde, damn b/w! It takes a great deal to shame me, but I’m shame.
Eating is cheating, Jez.
Hahahaha you pay for television and movies in The Twenty First Century hahahahahahahahaha sucker hahahaha
I’m so ashamed that I don’t know if that’s Tuesday Weld or not? Hey, Lady! Want some chips? I live in Los Angeles now, it’s gas! Who knew? Them new trains have changed everything, it’s like a whole new city. So into it.
Oh Jez, it’s only you and me left who recall the sixties. These fools just glaze over at any mention of history prior to TLC’s Waterfalls.
ONJ would never say this, shame on you. You should change your name to OliviaNewtonJohnsThrush, because that’s what you are, relatively.