Klinger's Brother Klonger

Don't worry, they appear to be nothing more than two dots made with the tip of a Sharpie. We are very lucky not to be seeing whatever's underneath those dots.

I appreciate your sentiment, but the phrase you have used here is filled with redundancies.

Well I've never heard of it.

Vhen I vaz a boy in Ees Geu-u-manny, movieavards vere conseeded subveu-u-usive. Who knows? Mebbe dey right.

GONG. Oscar was a Stallone picture.

I always spell it thusly:

And isn't Elvis Perkins the son of Anthony Perkins? He is! They should call the band Celebrity Issue.

Did the manager at Torgo's have funny knees and a weird voice? And did he call the owner "The Master?"

I would say, unironically, that Horner's use of steel drums is an important part of his musical legacy.

I would recommend you look into a Canadian band called The Sadies. Well worth it, you shall find!

They're really making this movie?

Tom Hanks IS Governor Mark Sanders in "Appalachian Tail"

I'd just like to know why there's a poster for The Legacy in that picture.

We know seven things:
1) No one in this program wears a jet pack to fly around. I thought it was one of those future-medieval stories, but apparently not.
2) The program does not take place in space.
3) We know that it's the same "universe" as where the Hobbits live. Connection: dragons.
4) The names of the people in this

We know seven things:
1) Joe Dante is a personable fellow, always good in interviews and commentary.
2) He's good pals with Dick Miller.
3) No mention of Dick Miller or the other Dante Players was made in this interview, but I guess you can't have everything.
4) The Howling is a terrific picture.
5) And what a cast!
6) I

I learned that in just one year of observing Roger Clemens.

"You've made me the happiest spice in the world!"

Universal Pictures proudly presents

There's serious humor fatigue in all the plot points, the ideas are substandard, it's completely inadequate for our blockbuster needs and the cast is a parade of schtick queens.

And of course Pee Pee the Sailor.