
We really need to destigmatize sex work. As gross as having sex with matt gaetz is, even for-profit. That said, I really, really hope he gets everything that’s coming to him.

Seriously? Going through this process isn’t some trend that kids (just girls? wtf) follow. It’s like that ridiculous argument that Rowling put out when she was trying to defend her TERF views. No one just goes to the doctor and in one shot gets these things.

You know what can have permanent psychological and physical consequences? Going through the wrong fucking puberty. Having access to puberty blockers would prevent that.

All that stuff was always horsecrap they spread around for the sole purpose of cloaking their true intentions. The only people who actually believe in it are credulous boobs and rubes.

You know, for the party of individual liberty and personal accountability, they sure do like to jump right in the middle of the exam room right between patients and their doctors. Do they not see it?

Agreed. While I know that he will absolutely join the white supremacist group at his particular prison, be lauded as a hero, and learn absolutely nothing about how to become a better person, I can’t make excuses to justify the death penalty.

This. Why should I go against my morals and ethics for this piece of shit? Let him live a long and uneventful life in jail and we never hear from him again.

Of old age. In jail.

I feel sorry for that clerk. I hope that he’s been able to get some help with what has happened. 

Just here to do my Muslim duty by mentioning that we’re on this f-k sht, too. There are many ills we pretend are incidental to the Abrahamic religions; they’re deeply imbedded and foundational.

They will, but he’ll probably still get off. I bet he’s counting on it.

All I have to say right now is, they better get this right...

The testimony of the off-duty Minneapolis firefighter who happened to be there is so damning. The cops refused to let her administer first aid to Floyd despite her increasingly desperate pleas-she even offered to coach the cops through the first aid process from a distance. They told her that if she really is a

I love how the Prosperity Church thinks that having a good life, helping others and enduring trials means that their bank accounts are gonna grow and grow and grow. It’s like they can’t help but show they have never cracked open the Bible and read it from beginning to end and will only cherry pick as they see fit.

“I thought it was illegal to deduct an employee’s paycheck for stuff like this?”

...and the Prosperity Church.

Because they don’t worship the God mentioned in the Bible, they worship the god of White Supremacy.

What I don’t understand about most Christians is their fixation on just SOME sins: abortion, sex and homosexuality (formerly race-mixing, sex and marijuana?). They’re never so virulently angry against the things the Bible EXPLICITLY says God, HIMSELF, hates: haughty eyes (people who are ok with separating migrant

Oh, that’s so much better than the way I express it. “I’m fine with faith, but organized religion is a cancer on humanity”. I’m totally stealing it.

What’s the point of even believing in God if you believe He’s weak enough to be a homophobic loser?