
This is almost surely a statement that was negotiated as a part of the settlement. Attorneys drafted it and it has no relationship with how Franco feels about any of this (good or bad). It is meaningless.

It's insanely common, the biggest use is, getting someone to plead guilty to something they know they can win on by not prosecuting them for something they don't think they can win on. O and the Supreme Court has from the beginning even at the federal level acknowledged verbal contracts can be binding legally. 

Boy, if you ever wanted an example of how the criminal “justice” system serves to protect the powerful, this is it. A prosecutor makes a basically secret, informal agreement with a powerful man to help the powerful man in a civil trial regarding the same conduct, and that secret, informal agreement then forms the

I’m sorry he had to tackle this at all, but I’m supremely glad at how spectacularly this backfired on a bunch of bigoted parents. Try to bully one kid and end up with a regional mandate for trans bathroom rights!

Judge Henry Floyd correctly called in his 4th Circuit court decision, “a special kind of discrimination against a child that he will no doubt carry with him for life.”

Yeah... I imagine the biggest regret is being caught at it.

I watched all of The Vow on HBO, and there’s early footage in there of Mack meeting Raniere for the first time at one of his weird-ass late night volleyball sessions.

I do feel like Allison Mack was a victim, but she hurt a lot of people and recruited a lot of people into this cult. I doubt she is gonna get no time.

As someone working in mental health and who’s often careful in assigning labels, this is as perfect of a case study as you can get on Antisocial traits for someone who’s not even examined. The sadism and lack of empathy present... 

And when he’s let out of solitary...the constant fear that someone cold very easily decide to knee on his neck for nearly 10 mintues.

Fuck Derek Chauvin, dude will die in jail one way or another.  The lack of remorse is telling on many levels.  

Fuck his condolences. That is the dead-eyed expression of a sociopath. I’m sure he’s scared shitless about his new reality, 23 hours a day in isolation for the foreseeable future. 

Are you under the impression that the only time requirement for a professional performer is the time they are literally on stage?

It’s the forced IUD for me. That’s pretty fucked up. Even through the rambling she made ALL of her points comparing from the last court date to present. The judge’s behavior, her family’s behavior, the lack of bodily autonomy, insight on her therapy sessions, and money extortion. She checked every box. It will be hard

Exactly. You can have a family member who is a danger to themselves or others, but after that 72 hour psych hold, you can’t force them to do much of anything.

I work in medicine, but honestly I had no clue you could legally force someone to take lithium. 

Meanwhile, every other family dealing with a severely mentally ill family member can’t get ANYONE to even try to “help.” I guess because serious money is involved? WTF?

Biracial people don’t owe you a dna test. 

I said it before that Jamie Spears is a predator and the rest of the family was in on it, and people on here were whining about how I didn’t know the whole story. Well, the whole story is out, and dude is even worse than I thought. This nonsense needs to end now.

wow this is so much worse than we thought