
Thank you for this. The MN SCOTUS is being blamed for (correctly) upholding piss-poor laws/legislation. There are some really great people in that court, and it sucks to see them maligned for simply doing their jobs. The presiding justice even said “we apply that meaning and not what we may wish the law was or what we

Your honor, the victim was blackout drunk when I shot him in the face, he is clearly not a victim of homicide.

Thank you for the explainer. I appreciate it. I see from the Axios link that the Legislature has a bill under consideration to fix the current legislation.  I’ll be emailing my Reps.

It is. More specifically, it is still sexual assault because, under Minnesota law, it is third-degree sexual misconduct (a felony, the same crime Khalil was originally convicted of) to have sex with someone who is either “mentally incapacitated” OR “physically helpless,” physically helpless being defined in part, as

Yeah, I feel like, ok, if the law says the first half of the rape isn’t rape because she blacked out on stuff she took willingly and the law was sloppily written, fine.

If she said she didn’t want to have sex, and he continued, how is that not sexual assault?

I am so fucking done with this country, specifically the red states. But even the blue states have been getting on my damn nerves.

I scrolled this entire article (which I don’t give ahoot about ^^) just to say this.

That’s what she looked like before turning herself into a robotic sexdoll ?????

This is super sad. She was gorgeous.

My God she was so pretty back then. What is she thinking fucking with her face like she has.

Right? How did HBO destroy their best/only franchise like that? Hopefully will stop D+D from being attached to anything else in the future.

Much like when AMC announced all those Walking Dead spinoffs, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Now, people are over it and aren’t very excited about it.

Just.  Stop.  Please.

Yeah, no one cares any longer.

Talk about striking when the iron is ice cold. 

There is a disgusting pile of dog crap on the sidewalk on the way home from the grocery store—every week we pass it and I go oh, right, gross, that pile of dog crap.

My question is this. When the republicans had complete control of the government (Congress and the WH), why didn’t they just pass a law saying that abortion is illegal or should be left up to the states?

And some dumbfuck from Dallas is trying to make it punishable by death, because pro life 

Throughout my 40+ years being a woman in the United States, I’ve learned that men who say they want a woman who loves sex and asks for it are on par with the men who say they want an intelligent, independent, direct woman: soon after they get what they want, they don’t want it anymore because they don’t like it but

not even going to read the article since I know it will raise my blood pressure. Just thinking of all the pain and suffering this “doctor” has caused makes me want to kick a “pRo-LiFeR” in the face.

These people are so evil.