
Yeah, I know there’s various explanations. I guess on a personal level, as a human being, it’s hard to grasp the sheer ugliness of it all sometimes. At my age, I should’ve come to terms with the human condition a long time ago and yet...

I'm still delighted when I hear The President, and realize that doesn't mean Trump!

This. I voted for Barack Obama twice. If he or Michelle told me to go torch a pregnancy crisis center, I still wouldn’t do it. I’m smart enough to know Barack doesn’t give a shit about me if I get arrested committing crimes in his name. 

For the same reason after 3000+ years and thousands of stories, Hercules is still a thing.

Sounds like someone needs their neighbor to beat the shit out of them again...

My thought exactly. And to allow people like this to treat it like it’s a trip to the grocery store you know you need to make, but you’ll wait until later this afternoon after you’re done with your chores. No, motherfuckers. You raid his house and THEN release a fucking statement. If he hadn’t killed himself he would


There is a profound lack of thought displayed by these “There are only two gender” people that goes far beyond the “Idiot, look words up in the dictionary, you’re talking about sex, not gender” complaint.

“Lauren Boehbert, against the Equality Act, says as the mother of four boys, says raising them “to be men,”

You have to RAISE them to be men? If gender and masculine coded behavior are innate traits tied specifically to biological sex, shouldn’t they end up with these traits without you doing anything deliberate to

ROFL...neighbors and parents “discovered” the site, huh? Any word on which dad or dads outed her to the rest? Jesus is fine with us LOOKING at OnlyFans, apparently...it’s only the posters who need to be kicked out. You couldn’t pay me to send my kids to a Catholic school. 

I see this shit on Facebook. Like...

Let’s all make a pact to ignore Woody Allen, everything he says, and everything he does. 

She’s an anti-vaxxer so they deserve each other, as far as I’m concerned.

I agree with you.

I’m going to be unpopular for this but I don’t care. There were 2 people in that teen relationship and just like most teen relationships it ended. It didn’t end well. They both wrote “you suck” songs off this teen relationships and made tons of money. THE MEDIA has made tons of money off this relationship that ended

Not to mention, the man that saw to her industry-wide near-total ban was Les Moonves, who was ousted by CBS following sexual misconduct allegations.

Meh - if one’s making amends and harms the recipient further, one isn’t actually making an amends.  The whole “amends” thing means sincerely atoning for behavior and changing one’s ways. It doesn’t mean revictimizing anyone.

It is still astounding to me (and a testament to the deep, deep misogyny of our culture), that Janet Jackson’s career was so profoundly impacted by that moment. This woman, who reigned as pop ROYALTY for the two preceding decades - and one split-second nip-slip took her down.

I have two exes who have, continually over the years, tried to contact me through various online platforms. If I don’t answer you on one site (to the point of even blocking one of them), what makes you think I want to hear your apology on another?

The thing about apologies from past abusers is that they are usually for the abuser. The abuser went to therapy and realized they did something wrong, the abuser feels bad and reaches out to the person they victimized. What in that scenario is about the victim? What if the victim doesn’t desire an apology and contact