
I can’t think of something more antithetical to the party that decries ‘Big Government’ than ‘The government wants a detailed description of your genitals.’

You’re most likely mad at yourself for denying yourself the pleasures that someone else enjoyed.

Right wing people don’t know the first thing about free speech or America in general. 

#canceldisneyplus has been trending on Twitter since the announcement about Gina Carano. Lots of folks claiming censorship or a violation of 1st amendment rights.

Now we get to watch the far right make excuses for her behavior and use Woke, SJW and Cancel Culture as a scapegoat for her her horrible comments. It’s all their fault! She’s just a poor innocent victim

Spot on.

Imagine being so full of bigoted hatred that you literally can’t avoid expressing it publicly so you don’t get fired from the best job you’ll ever have. Good riddance.

I adore Lucy lawless, but I’d prefer them to cast someone similar to Carano’s body type. I despise Carano as a person, but seeing a thick, muscled woman on screen was a delight at first. It’s so rare to see larger, muscled women in mainstream shows/movies and I’d prefer them to pick up another fighter or weight lifter

She’s so fucking stupid and that bothers me. The racism also bothers me, but I expect that out of Trumpublicans by default.

Right? Just drop Ronda Rousey in there. MMA fighter turned actor and most people probably won’t even notice.

Not sure if she’s too old, and she might not have Carano’s real-life fighting skills, but I vote for Lucy Lawless as a recast.

The team for the shows Leverage and The Librarians apparently make it very clear that everyone can and will be recast if they pull Nazi or rape shit. In the worst possible case, the character gets blown up and their more attractive cousin shows up to solve the murder.

#ConsequenceCulture is a bitch...

I’m pretty sure Disney was only waiting to make sure people finished watching season 2 before they made the announcement. It would have been kinda weird from a PR perspective if they knew they had a bunch more episodes with her that would drop after they condemned her statements. So instead they just waited until

Just before we have some of the usual ‘Cancel culture gone mad!’ comments, no, she is not being ‘cancelled’, she is facing the consequences of using a public platform, the internet equivalent of shouting out in the middle of the street, to make questionable comments, and Disney would rather not have to deal with it.

Good. Hopefully the character is recasted instead of kill off

I would add that I come across most unhinged when I’m being subject to abusive and bizarre treatment. It makes you feel insane and you act as such.

What were the details lacking for you?Really asking. Not snark. Just in case. Thanks.

Someone looked at this woman and thought, “She’ll never make it with those looks.”? How?

We used to get the same thing at a former employer. Guilt and pressure to donate. Then the scandals started coming out and all of a sudden UW is not a thing anymore.