
If you really have to be told not to put an industrial strength adhesive in your hair you shouldn’t be left alone with a glass of water.

Very insulting indeed.

The whole video is heartbreaking. The treatment of this poor girl made me cry last night. She lives in what sounds like a horrific atmosphere at home. Dad regularly punches mom, put her in a headlock so mom stabbed him (according to mom). Mom has no capacity to deal with an abusive man and a terrified 9 year old girl.

Until this week, I thought the Conways were all in on a grift together to play all the sides — Kellyanne the Trump loyalist, George the never Trumper, Claudia the young liberal. I figured the fighting was just for show, and then once Trump left office they would parlay the internet celebrity into a reality show or a

Neither I nor anyone outside of that house know exactly what is going on but it’s pretty clear that at minimum they should be in therapy, both individual and family.

Does anyone think that lying and gaslighting come easy to good people? Kellyanne Conway was hired by Trump specifically because she is a toxic and abusive person. Those were her qualifications for her job in the Trump administration.


I’ve known about this person for maybe a week and a half, I’ve yet to hear one redeeming thing about her.

When Biden announced he was running, I audibly groaned. “No one wants Biden to be president!,” I said. I thought there was no way anyone would go out of their way to vote for him.

Honestly, I'm looking at Harris. She's going to be a pivotal force in this administration and not just because of her role in the Senate. 

A recent selfie.....

YouTube journalist = two words that should never be beside each other. 

In terms of theory of why was it effective for him and not Clinton, I think it could be that the message sounds different after 8 years from Obama than after 4 years of Trump. Suddenly what sounds political before, now sounds totally different after that environment.

That little bit of idiocy requires me to dig way back in the gif bag for an oldie.

I heard some of them had decided that Biden was working for Trump, or was their actual savior, something along those lines, all along! 

Hey Q-Anon Losers,

Also, judging from this profile pic, I’m pretty sure Stephen Miller is just planning on posing as Secret Service and squatting at the White House for as long as possible.

There has been plenty of cause to criticize Biden over the last couple of years (really, his entire career), and there will be plenty of cause to criticize him over the next 4 (or 8 or whatever). But for now, credit where credit’s due...I’ve been almost nothing but impressed with him since about April.

“A lot of YouTube journalists have just lost one hell of a lot of credibility,”