
So Amanda Gorman is my new favorite human. She was absolutely radiant, in both appearance and substance. I was shedding the happiest tears as she spoke.

Oh, the irony of her being worried about factchecking...

Hope Ghost weighs in on this one. Yes, morally, the org should absolutely know who they’re dealing with. But could the scumbag have any legal recourse against them if they’re acting on unproven allegations? They need to know who they’re dealing with but what they can do about it probably depends on a whole lot of

I’m worried that, without receipts, someone from the dude’s distant past will not be taken seriously. Especially if they want to remain anonymous and protect the identity of the survivors. Absolutely DO NOT out your friends as “evidence.”

100% agree. Total no-brainer. There may be victims within the current statute of limitations who can get justice, or at least help discredit him.

The American prison system is not designed for justice or the betterment of society, it is designed for individual punishment and revenge. This is obvious. The entire world sees this.

State-sanctioned murder, pure and simple. The death penalty is inexcusable in modern society in general, but especially when used on those who are mentally ill enough to fall into its purview.

This. Montgomery should have lived out her days in a mental health care facility for the rest of her days, but she did not deserve this.

Reminder that it was just last month that Trump pardoned war criminals who were responsible for more murders than Montgomery. Anyone who thinks executing Montgomery (or anyone currently on death row) is really about justice doesn’t understand what true justice is.

I read her story in detail a while back. Heartbreaking. She wasn’t fit to stand trial in any way.

“News articles from the past five years depicting the plight of the down-and-out Southerner with no recourse but Trump are bullshit. They’re enjoying this. It’s the day they’ve been waiting for.”

Yeah, it’s really unfortunate the media RECORDED all those RWNJs chanting, “Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!” isn’t it?  How unfair and fake newsy of them!!

It’s unfortunate that the media has portrayed a peaceful event as something that it wasn’t

Huh, maybe the advice should be for husbands: “if you don’t know how to cook, time to learn. If you’re adult enough to father a child, you’re adult enough to cook for yourself and your family”.

She lost me at, “As an American”.  You know, because she’s not.

I have severe anxiety that was untreated during the several years I lived in NYC. Somehow, I managed to never assault someone on the few occasions I found myself without my phone or had an actual anxiety/panic attack.

She was like a bad SNL parody of privilege and entitlement.

This. She was in a NYC hotel, so I can say with 99.9% certainty that there were many other people of many different ethnicities also carrying iPhones in that lobby at any given time. Picking the Black teenager could have been random, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

Holy shit. Way to argue you didn’t disrespect a black person by disrespecting another black person. She really should've let her lawyer do the talking. Also, um... Daddy? This girl is The Worst.

USA Today has called for the president to be removed from office.