
Anyone arrested, needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of federal law. Some real federal pen time needs to be hung on all these fuckers.

Twitter, etc must suspend Traitor Trump’s accounts for at least 48 hours due to promoting violence.

Seeing pictures of the Dream showing up to the game in Vote Warnock shirts had me howling.  I wish I had that kind of swagger. 

This.  Red state voters lined up in droves to keep people like McConnell and Loeffler and their ilk in office, all the while suffering financially and medically for it while the pandemic rages on.  All they had was fear, racism, and the grim specter of SOCIALISM to rally people to the ballot boxes.  There were no real

Political scientists will be pondering this one for decades, because who could have figured “Actively work to make a pandemic worse and kill as many Americans as possible” and “Refuse over and over, as loudly and publicly as possible, to provide any meaningful relief to struggling Americans during a pandemic” would

And yet she’s only the second most embarrassing white woman of this cycle, behind Martha McSally who is somehow singlehandedly responsible for turning BOTH Arizona senate seats blue.

Best of luck to the Kardashian-West clan, and I mean that sincerely. I grew up with a bipolar dad who I love very much but who was an incredibly volatile and frightening presence in my life for a good chunk of my childhood, so I have a ton of empathy for people navigating the mine field of how to treat their suffering

Ugh. What a piece of racist shit. That’s not even dog-whistling. 

I hope the good people of DC stay home and don’t give these assholes any excuses. 

frankly I just don’t think they have the guts to incite an actual civil war. At their cores they are opportunistic chickenshit bullies, meaning they will show up heavily armed (unironically waving confederate flags and maybe Nazi stuff too), strut around in front of the cameras and look tough, maybe set some stuff on

I pray you are right.

The few things that I took away from this:

These goobers are traveling from all over the nation to show up and cause trouble. Most of the dumb fuckers are going to be armed, one way or another, and all of them are itching to hurt somebody.

Her whole reaction seems oddly out of proportion. Like, call it from another phone. If it rings right there in front of everyone, yay. If it doesn’t...oops. Apology time!

Poor Owen went through some shit, but it didn’t break him. I just wanted him to run away with Hannah, but he couldn’t because...THAT episode was the true gut punch of the series, and the best one to boot.

Watching the Soul Squad really did help this year. Never expected tears at the end of a goofy comedy show like that. It’s been a long Bearimy.

This comment is why we shouldn't have the death penalty at all. 

Pretty sure this is one of those relationships that happen when you romanticize the joker and harley quinn.

So, my whole sticking point with Luke’s massive mischaracterization in Last Jedi begins with him raising his lightsaber to his nephew. If Kylo killed Grogu, though?

1) Apparently when you are the head of crime in the outer rim you get a little plump. Boba better be careful.