
“We’re a family” is always a coercive tactic...

After “Heroes” became a success, our scripts came with a warning of our immediate dismissal, should any material ever be disclosed. “REMEMBER … WE’RE A FAMILY AND A FAMILY IS ONLY AS STRONG AS THE SECRETS WE KEEP” each script read.

“Let me be clear: I said nothing about LGBTQI/queer LOVE. Rape is an act of violence. Trump has perpetrated violence on hundreds of millions of people,” she wrote on Monday. “My hope is (and this is the first time in my life) that the tables are turned and he is the victim of perpetrators. #LGBTQIAally.”

Okay but I’m still going to judge Lizzo for promoting the bullshit idea of a juice cleanse.

As the violent crime rate has risen in the wake of the Floyd murder and protests, the size of the city’s police department has shrunk

My heart goes out to the 2 surviving sons. I hope they’re able to process all of this in time.

“Also, if there’s any apperances from Luke, they’d either need to make them voice-only or digitally de-age Mark Hamill.”

This is a full-on Black Mirror episode.

It’s 2020, I work in a hospital, 2nd in my department, and we are staring down the barrel of a gun in the still exponential COVID surge, it is a miracle I haven’t dramatically increased my alcohol consumption(have maybe an extra drink a week, some weeks don’t have any at all). Hell, plain old stress and exhaustion is

He’s the real villain. Camilla and Diana aren’t perfect, sure, but Charles caused all of this with his giant man-baby-ness. 

They’re big business and have been portrayed as a point of national pride in the UK for decades/centuries, so it’s not surprising that there’s not widespread support for getting rid of them.

She’s trying to turn an insult into a compliment because that’s the only thing she CAN do.

Does anyone on the Right actually think she's pro-life? That woman could get an abortion faster than I could get a Happy Meal at a McDonald's drive thru.

I would love more female role models for representation and for my daughters’ sake.

She’s using her long string of accomplishments as a launching pad for her political career. By the way, what are her long string of accomplishments?

Well she is as filthy and rotten on the inside as her daddy so it’s no wonder she is the favorite. Hence why they are all dead inside. Wealthy but perpetually empty inside and therefore unable to achieve true happiness. It’s also probably why they are so petty and hungry for unearned praise. It kinda boggles the mind

I don’t know what California parole boards are like, but parole boards in general are pretty strict about ever recommending parole. Parole is just not something that is granted cavalierly. So my guess is that this is not about a person who was locked up in her 20s, for a murder she committed when she was 19, and who

You know, it would be a hell of a thing if everyone that flouted COVID restrictions on social media were fined according to their income.

that’s the America we’ve been fighting for all this time.

Ashoka Tana