
I’m curious as to what makes you think ANY Star Wars material (animation, comics, novels, live action, etc) is NOT intended for children?  Just because adults enjoy it, doesn’t make it an adult product. 

Jared’s comment about the dangers of overconfident idiots was a breathtaking bit of lack of self awareness.  I can’t wait until that asshole as far away from government as we can get him.

Right after I finished this season of The Crown Netflix suggested I watch “Diana: In her own words”. It was honestly sad. He was such an ass. From the “Whatever love means” quip to the very end. Grade A entitled straight cis white man. He agreed to marry her, in part because she was innocent and naive, and then he

I am actually more interested in who is going to build all those cottages. I hope they sabotage the FUCK out of them.

OMG, they’re going to be Cory Booker’s constituents? There’s something hilarious about that.

New scam: “Trump Feminist Self-Help Empowerment Seminar Camp School! Now With More Architecture For Better Architecting!”

On the one hand, I’m ok with them disappearing from public view - maybe forever (probably too much to hope for). On the other hand.... who is going to be residing in those other ‘cottages’?  Also I would like to see them dragged through the court system before they disappear into their commune.

“Thinning the herd” is the next virus, aimed specifically at those who did not believe in this one...

They are about to find out that their fellow GOP legislators don’t actually give two shits about gun rights, they just like riling up the base and getting $$$ from gun companies.

 I would really love it if all members of the squad did.

“Not only do I support members of Congress carrying a firearm, I believe every American has that right.”

Remember these two idiots believe that their fellow Democratic law makers are part of a satanic child trafficking and sacrificing cabal. I can only imagine how much more crazy their staffers will be. No doubt one of these fuckers will attempt to stand their ground against Pelosi to protect the children.

My thoughts and prayers go out to Covid-19 at this time, and I hope it comes through on the other side.

Election day was the 4-year anniversary of my father undergoing emergency brain surgery. I voted for Hillary, got in my car and drove into the heart of Trump country. Today is the anniversary of his funeral. My best friend has been completely awol during all of this, even though she's well-aware this was going to be a

To an entitled sociopath, it’s harassment.

THIS is why we have to defund the police. The funds and access the PD are using would be used so, so, SO much better by a team of social workers and community advocates. Rather than lying in wait until they become criminals, we could actually intervene and help at-risk students avoid the school-to-prison pipeline.

I believe in those cases it’s spelled freedumb

“The American people know how to protect their health.”

We can make good decisions. We can wash our hands, wear masks, socially distance.”

This right here is why people need to signal boost the hell out of any article stating that Biden won the election fair & square. Every minute that we’re keeping Twumpy-Wumpy in a state of alternating rage and depression about the election results is a minute that he isn’t focused on evil bullshit like this.