
I had been thinking that even after all his screw-ups, if he had just let a second round of stimulus checks go through in October, the bastard would probably have won easily. It would have been the easiest, most half-ass measure ever, and he still didn't do it. 

All he had to do, literally, was tell people to wear masks and pretend to care. He would have won the election. He’s spent his whole life doing as little as possible and whining about not getting enough credit. 

Just want to chime in and say I’m frustrated as hell with people not adhering to guidelines. I lost 2/3 of my income in April because it’s dependent on live events. I have friends telling me about their anxiety with upcoming travel plans and it’s taking everything in me to not just snap and say “Yeah, you shouldn’t

I know it sucks, but keep on keeping on with social distancing.
Those post-covid, everyone’s healthy hugs will be worth it.

Exactly! It’s hard right now, but this is definitely the time to listen to your head and not your heart.

Because you’re smart enough to know better?

Because you don’t want to get your father sick. 

What is there to dismiss? I think the GoP has made their position abundantly clear: we will continue to cry foul whenever we don’t get exactly what we want, and we will continue to use bad actors in key positions to advance these political temper tantrums, and we will continue relying on 70 million + idiots to prop us

Legit fucking morons...I still can’t comprehend how any follows or even supports this piece of shit.  All while my father in law is one of them.  It’s just mind boggling and, I don’t even need to go over all the reasons why.  We’ve spent the last 4 years doing just that.  He’s garbage, throw him out.  

I think that’s a fair way of looking at it. This won’t succeed, but they are absolutely trying to do it. 

We really can’t afford to be dismissive of this, the way we were dismissive of Trump’s campaign in 2015. Or how we were dismissive of Trump fighting the Mueller investigation in the press.

In a caucus call this week, prominent Democrats blamed progressive messaging on their losses, “don’t say socialism, ever,” they said; we’re not going to win if we “run on Medicare for All, defund the police.”

I was running some errands about an hour ago and I happened upon a customer and cashier lamenting about how awful the election results were. I patiently waited in line until they parted, saddled up to the counter with my stuff. Cashier lady asks “Hi how are you today?” I beaming my biggest grin reply “I’m doing

Nearly 20% of black men (my demo) voted for Trump, and he had the highest share of the minority vote of any Republican presidential candidate in 60 years.

John McCain as War Machine is pretty damn appropriate.

Why don't you point the finger at those who deserve it, like the majority of you white folks. 

I agree that our election process is totally borked, but let’s not disrespect those grannies that showed up and worked through the night during a damn pandemic.

I’ve been mesmerized by this one personally. Even with (or because of?) some of the more questionable cameos.

Thank God. I’m nearly crying from relief. I anticipate Trump and a few cronies continuing the usual tactics while the rest of the sycophants slowly back away and try to figure out how to save their careers.

Thank god, but no thanks to you and some of the other writers here who repeatedly damned Biden with faint praise. Oh, and thank those of us who put aside our personal feelings when our candidate (Warren, in my case) lost in the primaries and enthusiastically got behind Biden.