
To steal a line from Jim Jeffries’ gun control bit: “Jeez, you think a lot of yourself if you think everyone’s coming to murder you.” 

Wonder if this guy gripes about how the libs use that Thunberg girl to further their climate change hoax.... 

Why on earth would you use a semi-automatic weapon to kill deer


This woman is an evil stepmother in a Disney live-action flick starring the latest child actor.

My mom used to warn me about getting myself into a bad situation.

This is a blueprint on how to love your children. 

How come penises are never subjected to the "dirty genitals" marketing crap? Because I slept with an uncut guy once, and he fucking REEKED! Where was his masculine deodorant spray?!

The unspoken part of these arguments is that it makes all men out to be assholes. If you honestly believe in the “You went to a guy’s hotel room, what did you expect?” you’re admitting that a) you think the victim is an idiot and b) all men are devious predators.

Well written, smart, fair piece. Hope you don’t get roasted for it.

The MAGAs had a rough night. Lol Latinas took over the halftime show and Nick Bosa lost his opportunity to go to the White House. Amazing. 

You can’t even say the word vagina and you want people to believe you’re not easily offended? Grow up!

I’m not a sportsball fan, but I tuned in just to see the halftime show. I legit choked up when I saw JLo wrapped up in the Puerto Rican/US flag, the kids in cages, her daughter and that kid’s choir joining in for a few lines of “Born in the USA.” I thought all of this was the biggest F-U to the Trump administration

I’m not easily offended

Loved it! Of course some people will be upset because they shook what their mama gave them and how dare they do that when children were just previously watching grown men in tight pants run around a field and violently hit eachother.

I stopped and stared at the screen for a long minute after reading your comment.

Amazingly, people can have nuanced feelings about a tragic situation. We can be sad about those who passed and feel for their loved ones, while still recognizing that one of them was a rapist.

That was my first feeling, too. It’s all I ever thought about when hearing his name. I imagine I’ll have the same cold feeling when Ben Roethlisberger eventually dies.

Horrible for his kids, but I find it very hard to summon sympathy for this rapist son-of-a-bitch


Its almost like she has a privilege...